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Godess born from the sea
No Expiration
Seville Adventurer's Guild
Greek and Roman mythology seem to be popular subject among artists these days. The job is to go investigate a superb depiction of Venus. The piece is by Botticelli, so you can probably find information in Pisa.



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[IMG19,Quest guide]
Pisa - painter and dialog
Pisa - town official and dialog
Venice Monarch's Estates - 뒤쪽에서
Observe Search [IMG:17]

바다에서 태어난 여신
Botticelli's Masterpiece 


The Primavera [IMG16,Obtained info]

1. I've heard about it, and I've been wanting to see it. Legend says that Venus was born from the sea, and the painting depicts that. Botticelli's paintings are flat but intricate and soft. I wonder where the painting is? Perhaps the town official knows.

2. I've been told the person that ordered the painting liked it very much and is putting it on display everywhere. It must be quite the masterpiece. I think its on display at the palace in Venice. Nobles and aristocrats must be crowding around it now.

3. 베네치아의 원수 공저로
보티첼리의 회화는 베네치아의 궁전에서 공개되고 있다고 한다. 궁전에 가면 볼 수 있지만, 들어가려면 그에 걸 맞는 복장을 갖출 필요가 있을 것이다.
History of Oil Painting Techniques
The Birth of Venus
발견시 경험치 300, 카드 경험치 75
보고시 경험치 110, 명성 120, 유채기술의 역사 획득
- Discovery
The Birth of Venus ★★ (Work of art) Exp:300 Fame:135
A fresco by Botticelli. It depicts the birth from the sea of Venus, known as Aphrodite in Greek mythology. To the left is Zephyros and Flora, and to the right one of the Horae, goddesses of the seasons.