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            Da Vinci's altarpiece
            No Expiration
            Athens Adventurer's Guild
            You were allowed to see Da Vinci's "The Virgin and Child with St. Anne", right? Well, since you seem to be on good terms with him, could you perhaps persuade him to show you another piece called "Virgin on the Rocks"? It's a rather controversial piece... ask him about it in Marseilles.
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                            [IMG:19] 1.[ZONE:90005104][ZONE:90005111] - 다빈치와 대화 (Speak to Da Vinci) 2.[ZONE:90005104] - 대장장이와 대화 (Speak to Craftsman) 3.[ZONE:90005327] - 수녀와 대화 (Speak to Sister) 4.[ZONE:90005327] - 예술가와 대화 (Speak to Artist) 5.[ZONE:90005331] - [SKILL:30000028] 장서 열람 (Archives, Read Art) 6.[ZONE:90005309] - 대장장이와 대화 (Speak to Craftsman) 7.[ZONE:90005104][ZONE:90005111] - 다빈치와 대화 (Speak to Da Vinci) 8.[ZONE:90005101] - 제단 부근에서 [SKILL:30000035][SKILL:30000020] [IMG:17] [IMG:21][QUEST:99993462] [IMG:22][QUEST:99994450] [IMG:23] 다빈치의 제단화 [IMG:24][QUEST:99994402] [IMG:25][QUEST:99994464] [IMG:26][QUEST:99994448] [IMG:16] [IMG:01] 1. Leave! I don't want to talk about that picture! Go away! [IMG:01] 2. An argument over reward Yeah, that old man has a serious temper issue. You need to do your homework before asking him. "Virgin of the Rocks" is an altarpiece, right? It must have taken him too long to finish it, as usual, and got in an argument regarding the payment. [IMG:01] 3. I don't know Altarpiece contracts are handled by the friar, so I can't tell you much about it... I apologize for not being able to assist you. However, in the past, I do remember hearing something about a problem of some sort regarding an altarpiece. [IMG:01] 4. Reward for a painting I don't know much about that painting, but I do remember the dispute regarding the payment. It wasn't as good, or something. Mr. Da Vinci takes quite a long time to complete a piece, which apparently didn't please the person who issued the contract, who then wanted to ask for a discount. The archives should have a record of this. [IMG:02] 5. Da Vinci's altarpiece Da Vinci completed the altarpiece in 1486, but since it was delivered quite a bit behind schedule, the person who made the order asked for a discount. Da Vinci, enraged by this, refused to hand the picture over. After a long lawsuit, Da Vinci agreed to hand over a replica at the indicated price, and handed the replica over in 1508. [IMG:01] 6. Reproduction of Da Vinci works So the altarpiece is a copy? Well, that explains the look of that piece. It seemed th crisp and clear for something by Da Vinci. If it's a replica, he must have had his apprentice help him. In any case, the picture is not in this town. You'd have to ask Da Vinci. [IMG:01] 7. Sneaking around! Snooping around like a dog, are you? That picutre was move to the church in Venice. I don't know why. Perhaps it's to show off to the priest in Genoa. Asking for a discount and then bragging about it! Hah! [IMG:06] 8. Altarpiece replica The altarpiece known as "Virgin of the Rocks" is apparently a replica. It should be on display in the church at Venice, so I should go and find it. I have been told that an apprentice worked on a part of it. I wonder what the difference would be. I should look around the altar when I get to the church in Venice. [DBLINK:01500232] [DBLINK:70000273] [DBLINK:90005101] 발견시 경험치 400, 카드 경험치 100 보고시 경험치 130, 명성 140, 의뢰 알선서 7 획득

                              • Discovery
                              • The Virgin of the Rocks ★★★ (Work of art) Exp:440 Fame:185
                                A painting by Leonardo Da Vinci. A price could not be agreed upon with the church in Milan that commissioned the piece, so this copy was painted to meet the lower price. One of Leonardo's pupils aided with this painting.

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