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          Tyrant of ancient Rome
          No Expiration
          Venice Adventurer's Guild
          Ancient Rome had great rulers, but it also had its share of tyrants. There's currently a job to look for a statue of one of these infamous tyrants, Caracalla. Apparently this is just a nickname for the emperor, but for details you'll have to talk to the scholar of Genoa.
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                  1. Genoa Archives - Talk with Scholar
                  2. Genoa Archives - Browse pages on Book of Archaeology
                  3. Naples Church - Use Observe Search

                  1. Tyrannical emperor
                  Caracalla is the son of the African-born Roman emperor Septimius Severus, and co-ruled the nation with his younger brother, Geta. However...
                  He did not get along with his brother, and kills him. He went along and continued to kill everyone who got in his way. Please read my books for more details on what he did.

                  2. Extravagant emperor
                  Caracalla gave Roman citizenship to all freemen in his empire, increasing his tax revenue, but spent the extra money extravagantly.
                  He created many recreational facilities, like the great bathhouse, which was very well liked by the citizens, who went on to create his statue.

                  3. Sculpture of emperor Caracalla
                  Emperor Caracalla is famous for the many buildings he created that stood the test of time, so his nature as a cruel ruler is not as well known. There is a statue of him at the church in Naples.
                  I should search the back of the church, to the left.

                    • Discovery
                    • Marble Statue of Caracalla ★ (Historical legacy) Exp:90 Fame:30
                      Marble Statue of Emperor Caracalla, who was famous for building the Baths of Caracalla. A tyrant who killed all his political opponents, beginning with his younger brother, and waged war incessantly.

                      back meaning past the alter on the left side of where you face when you enter the church

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