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      Paintings of Michelangelo
      No Expiration
      Stockholm Adventurer's Guild
      Michelangelo is mostly known for his sculptures, but he does paint as well. There's apparently a painting he did in Italy somewhere, a rare piece he did for a private patron. Might be a little difficult to find, but ask around Naples.
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                    1. Naples - Talk to Sculptor
                    2. Venice Michelangelo Estate - Talk to Michelangelo
                    3. Venice Church - Venice Church Observe Search

                    1. Eyes of a sculpture
                    That must be the painting ordered by the Doni family. I've only seen it once, but I felt the sculptor's eyes were very unique. The skin and the clothes seemed very, how do you say it, hard? Almost like marble. Maybe it's the sharp contrast between light and dark. Why don't you ask him? He should be in Venice.

                    2. It was relaxing
                    Oh yes, that painting... I actually had a large sculpting job at the same time. It was a lot of work, and I was very tired. When the painting job came in at the same time, I thought it would be a good change of pace. That's why it is distinctly reflects my tastes. It should be in the church in this town.

                    3. Relaxation of a genius
                    The church in Venice has the painting by Michelangelo. He says it was just for a change of pace, but it must still be marvelous piece. It is to the right of the centre of the church seats.

                    Art Appraisal Skill

                    The Holy Family


                    발견시 경험치 450, 카드 경험치 112
                    보고시 경험치 140, 명성 150, 그림감정술 획득

                      • Discovery
                      • The Holy Family ★★★ (Work of art) Exp:495 Fame:210
                        A painting by Michelangelo. Compared to the works of other artists, the flesh and clothes seem three dimensional, possibly due to his expertise as a sculptor. The less than sacred appearance of Mary is thought to be the influence of the religious group Michelangelo was affiliated with at the time.

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