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      The philosopher and his bad wife
      No Expiration
      Amsterdam Adventurer's Guild
      A request from an aristocrat: Find information on the Greek philosopher Socrates. They say his wife was a shrew, but is there any actual proof? This is apparently just an effort to settle a bet between friends... Ask a scholar, i suppose.
      •  Member
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              1. Amsterdam Archives - Talk to Scholar
              2. Amsterdam Archives - Read Archaeology book (r11 Archaeology|Dutch Lang needed, Can be replaced by germanic notes sold on Amsterdan)
              3. Amsterdam Tavern - Talk to Johanna
              4. Amsterdam Tavern - Talk to Barkeep
              5. Naples Archives - Read Archaeology book (r11 Archaeology|Italian needed, can be replaced by Romance notes from Naples)
              6. Naples Archives - Talk to Scholar
              7. Naples Tavern - Talk to Barkeep
              8. Athens Archives - Read Archaeology book (r11 Araeology|Greek needed, can be replaced by East european notes from Athens)
              9. Athens Tavern - Talk to Barkeep
              10. West Athens - Near the ruins Observe Search

              1. What makes a terrible wife?
              You're talking about Xanthippe, Socrates's wife... You can find details about her bad temper written by his apprentice. I think it's important to think about how they felt about one another. What may look like pointless anger could have been what the other wanted.

              2. Twilight of Xanthippe
              Xanthippe was always angry at Socrated. Her anger only intensified towards him when he would remain unresponsive while she talked on and on. Xanthippe once poured water over her husband's head. It is said that an unflinching Socrates responded, "It is only natural for rain to follow lightning."

              3. Standpoint of a woman
              My, it's hard to imagine such a woman existed back then! I can sympathize with her though. I would be pretty upset if my husband didn't do anything and always gave vague answers to my questions. I have to admit though, the philosopher who doesn't lose his temper after being treated like that is impressive.

              4. Go to Napoli
              Ha ha ha! In any day and age, it's the man who dreams and the woman who lives in reality. You should go to Naples. There was apparently a phiolosopher in Naples who wrote and kept a lot of documents on philosophy. You might find what you're looking for there.

              5. Socrates's answer
              Socrates was asked why he married such a woman. He reply was, "If i can live with and tolerate her, then i can live with and tolerate anyone. Marriage is a great thing, if you mary a nice wife, your life will be happy. If you marry a bad wife, you getto live your life as a pholosopher."

              6. A good wife who was made into a bad one?
              Although he speak about her with a lot of irony, Socrates didn't dislike Xanthippe. He must have been grateful to her for looking after the family while he completely abandoned his job as a mason and indulged himself in debates.

              7. To know Xanthippe
              Women can be moody and rowdy but they're really cute when they've got a sad look or when they're in trouble. My own mother in the past was like that... You're saying this Xanthippe woman never shed a tear nor showed any signs of weakness? Did you check to see if stories about her exist where that philosopher's from?

              8. Death of Socrates
              Socrates continued to converse with intellectuals, never straying from what he believed in. This was interpreted wrongly and he was put to death by trial. He had the chance to be acquitted but he didn't pursue it. His wife approached him weeping while nursing their baby and said, "you are about to be put to death unjustly, dear."

              9. Proof of being a good wife
              That philosopher drank poison and killed himself, right? No kidding she cried! I think his wife really understood and cared for him despite the way she acted. She probably took good care of all of his belongings after he died.

              10. Find the poisoned wine glass
              If you read what is written, it is very clear that Xanthippe was a harsh person. However, we do cannot accept this as the complete truth. We may find evidence that she was a loving, caring wife if we search the outskirs west of Athens.

              Quest Mediation Permit

              The Cup of Socrates

              발견시 경험치 800, 카드 경험치 200
              보고시 경험치 240, 명성 250, 의뢰 알선서 9 획득

                • Discovery
                • The Cup of Socrates ★★★★★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:1040 Fame:400
                  Cup used by Socrates when he killed himself in prison by drinking hemlock. Socrates is considered the greatest Greek philosopher. Plato was his disciple.


                  There are two Ruins landmarks in West Athens; the discovery is a little west of the northern-most Ruins.

                  Nice quest

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