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      Brave Sigurd
      No Expiration
      Amsterdam Adventurer's Guild
      I see, so the ring went from the forger of the ring, Alberich to the Gods, then finally to the Giants. In the face of a contract, Odin, unable to reclaim the ring himself, used a human - quite the clever plan. And so what happened to Denmark's Sigurd?
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                  [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[ZONE:90005389] - Woodcutter (by Church) 2.[ZONE:90005389] - Worksmith (between Port Guide and Port Official) 3.[ZONE:90005390] - Barkeep ×3 Re-edited by DreadPirateWesley [IMG:Quest_Chain] [IMG:21][QUEST:99993632] [IMG:22] You Are Here [IMG:23][QUEST:99993660] [IMG:24][QUEST:99993663] [IMG:25][QUEST:99994921] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] 1. The Giant's adoptive father After the giants received the ring they, as the curse put upon the ring predicted, began to engage in an all-out battle between themselves. Regin, who showed a dislike for this senseless fighting went to the king of Denmark to meet Sigurd. [IMG:01] 2. The ring passes to a human child Regin reforged the remants of the blade passed down from Sigurd's father to forge the Balmung. It was then that one of the giants who held ring turned into a dragon to protect the ring and the many treasures that they had obtained through the ring's power. Sigurd went off to the cave where the dragon was waiting and slew him with the Balmung. With the dragon dead Sigurd was able to retrieve the golden ring just as Odin had planned. [IMG:01] 3. An armoured virgin With the ring in his possession Sigurd goes off on a journey and finds a rocky mountain surrounded by flames. Inside the castle on the mountain was an armed woman sleeping. The woman was Odin's daughter, Brynhild, one of the Valkyries. ...But this was all just a trap set up so that Odin could steal the ring from Sigurd. [IMG:01] 4. Valkyrie Valkyries are eight daughters of Odin entrusted with the job of carrying the souls of mortal heroes to Valhalla where the gods reside. Brynhild tells Sigurd that she was put to sleep there because she disobeyed her father. The two get along quite well but before long Sigurd, being the prince of his country, decides he must get back home ... [IMG:01] 5. The oath of the ring Sigurd gives the Nibelung ring to Brynhild and promises that they will meet again before he leaves. Odin then appears and demands that Brynhild give him the ring. But things did not go as Odin planned. Brynhild disobeys her father and refuses to give up the ring given to her by her new lover Sigurd. [IMG:06] 6. Brave Sigurd Regin, displeased with the fighting between the giants because of the ring, becomes Sigurd's mentor. Sigurd then goes on to defeat the holder of the ring just as Odin planned, but then he gives the ring to Brynhild, one of the Valkyries. She then disobeys her father, Odin, and refuses to give up the ring to him. [DBLINK:01500232] [DBLINK:90005390] 보고시 경험치 80, 의뢰 알선서 2 획득

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