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      Remembrance of an emperor
      No Expiration
      Seville Adventurer's Guild
      A scholar need assistance with his research on Beatrice, the wife of the Holy Roman Emperor Friedrich I. Friedrich was considered a hero during the Crusades. You should ask the scholar in Marseilles about him.
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                      [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[ZONE:90005113] - Speak with Scholar 2.[ZONE:90005104][ZONE:90005110] - Speak with Francois Rabelais 3.[ZONE:90005309][ZONE:90005316] - Speak with Duchess of Traetto 4.[ZONE:90005309] - Speak with Shopkeeper 5.[ZONE:90005327] - Speak with Sister 6.[ZONE:90005327] - Click on Bookstand 7.[ZONE:90001017] - Search in the SouthEast corner of map [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] Beatrice, Count of Burgundy Queen Beatrice was the Countess of Burgundy when she married. Of course, Friedrich I married her for political reasons, wanting to expand his power. They had quite an age difference. I think Mr Rabelais would know more. [IMG:01] Political marriage that went well They say that the queen became Countess when she was very young, and many had plotted to take her place. The marriage between her and Friedrich I was obviously political, but the two got along very well. You should talk to the Duchess of Traetto. [IMG:01] A happy couple The two were such a great couple, and had 8 sons and 2 daughters. How i envy them! They spent a lot of time together in the house in Burgundy. Perhaps someone in this town will know more. [IMG:01] Pride of our house My ancestors use to work for the Count of Burgundy. Yes, they made many offering. When they married, they gave gifts, and the goods we received in return are family heirlooms to this day! Detailed records are in the town church. Ask the nun there. [IMG:01] Genoa and Friedrich I Emperor Friedrich visited this town many times on his campaigns to Italy, along with his wife. He knows the townspeople well. The records of the Shopkeeper's ancestry? It should be under the bookstand. [IMG:02] Record of the item store's ancestors ...I heard rumors that the great emperor has passed away. It has been many years since his wife passed away... I remember the days when they used to visit us. I will travel to the place where they say the emperor passed away, and pray for him, along with this item that reminds us of him. [IMG:06] Remembrance of an emperor The marriage between Friedrich I and Beatrice was political, but there were still a good couple. When they got married, they gave a gift to the Shopkeeper in Genoa. According to the records, this gift is buried somewhere south-east of the Western bank of Turkey, where Friedrich died. [DBLINK:01500232] [DBLINK:00008200] [DBLINK:70000161] [DBLINK:90001017]

                        • Discovery
                        • Friedrich I's Armour ★★ (Treasure) Exp:360 Fame:160
                          Friedrich I, called Barbarossa (Red Beard), Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. He joined the 3rd Crusade, but falls off his horse while crossing a river near Cilicia, and drowns.


                          How many time we can get this armour?

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