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The prophecy of Nostradamus
No Expiration
Seville Adventurer's Guild
We've got another request from the King's Castle in Spain. The search for a court physician seems to be on hold for the time being. The King seems to have an interest in Nostradamus above all else now. I's sure you know how I feel about this, so I don't need to say anything, right?



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[IMG19,Quest guide]
Seville Royal Castle - Cardinal Tabera
Marseille Archives -
Art Browse
Latin is required
Marseille Archives - Talk to the Scholar
Marseille Archives -
Art Browse
Marseille Archives - Talk to the Scholar
The world renowned doctor 

The Venetian doctor 

Star-gazing doctor 


The prophecy of Nostradamus
The doctor with the divine touch 

The Doctor's Duty 

Ancient medicinal arts 

A doctor's vow 


The Doctor's Oath [IMG16,Obtained info]

1. The king's interest in the prophecies
Upon hearing the report his Majesty has become very interested in Nostradamus and says he wants to know more about his prophecies. He wants you to go back to Marseille and research Nostradamus' work in the library. I suppose it shouldn't be too difficult for someone with a decent knowledge of literature.

2. The prophecies chapters 1-3
Rubbish will be blown in the wind and their faces will be covered by their cloaks. That republic will be tormented by a new group and white and red shall trade places.

3. The meaning of white and red is...
His poems are hard to understand precisely because they are prophecies. The year is not written so you don't know when those things are going to occur. But now that you mention it, white is the colour of this country's royal family, right? Red is the colour of Saint Denis of Paris and the colour of their battle flag. So if those colours are going to trade places...

4. Th prophecies chapters 8-80
The pure, a widow, a virgin's blood. The great and only red will partake in many evil deeds, the holy idol will replace the burning candles and not a soul will be able to so much as move in fear and anxiety.

5. The great and uniquely red
So the innocent and weak will spill blood and the "one great red"... the red king will commit evil deeds? The burning candles symbolize praying to God. So that means that faith in God will be... replaced instead by worshiping the idol... the red king? Is s-something that t-terrifying really going to happen in the future?
[IMNG:08] 6. The prophecy of Nostradamus
The book of prophecies written by Nostradamus was very difficult to understand and contains no exact years or dates as to when any of the predictions are to happen. In passage 3 of chapter 1 he predicts that the colour of France's royal family, white, will be overturned by the colour of the battle flag, red. In passage 80 of chapter 8 he predicts that the great red will commit evil deeds and that people will begin worshiping an idol, but what does it all mean...?
Quest Mediation Permit
보고시 경험치 40, 명성 50, 의뢰 알선서 2 획득
Can't pull this quest no marter how many QMPs i burn.
I have Latin and art, and my alt fleet have french...
I got the french skill on me, and this quest poped easily.
Never thought that this would be a must, but...
When i have 2 skills and my alt 1, i burned 400 Qmps on the 10x qmps thing and could not get it.
After i had the 3 skills on me i used 7 normal qmps and got it.
I dont think it is a must.
But having all req skills (that includes language skills) makes quest way more likely to pop up. Very useful for rare quest, sounds like this is one. :)
That your alt had french is unimportant, for getting a quest only your skills and your aides language skills are important.
In general after using like 10 QMPs i always get the language skills, preferable via aide or trans note, if that does not work i use a world trans book, but that book gives you all languages, so a lot more quest might suddenly be more likely to pop up.