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          Beauty who only appears at night
          No Expiration
          Marseille Adventurer's Guild
          You've been to the Caribbean many times, haven't you? The plants there are completely different to the ones here. Well, we've received a request to investigate one of them. Rumour has it that its flowers only give off a scent during the night. I don't have any specific information, though. Why not ask around at a tavern in Santo Domingo?
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                        [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[ZONE:90005604] - Talk to Barkeep 2.[ZONE:90005604] - Talk to Maiden 3.[ZONE:90001063] - Use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000010] around Pointed boulder in the south [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] 1. Fragrance of the night Round here, come nightfall, a very sweet fragrance comes drifting in, as if from nowhere. From some flower perhaps, but gone by morning in any event. Handiwork of some spirit no doubt. There's a girl in town concerned with this dort of thing, better you ask her. [IMG:01] 2. A beautiful fragrance only smelt at night Sure I know, went secretly in search of it at night, I did. There is a fragrance for certain, but it's too strong to get a handle on where it's coming from. On the outskirts of town here there is an odd-looking cactus. In the middle of the night that cactus causes the flowers to bloom--that's the source of the fragrance. [IMG:06] 3. Beauty who only appears at night Word is that the flower that blooms only at night, giving off a particular fragrance, grows in the outskirts of Santo Domingo. Target the search in the vicinty of the jagged rocks. [DBLINK:00513200] [DBLINK:01600177] [DBLINK:70000405] [DBLINK:90001063] 발견시 경험치 600, 카드 경험치 150, 흰 꽃 100 보고시 경험치 190, 명성 210, 동식물도감 획득

                          • Discovery
                          • Epiphyllum Oxypetalum ★★★★ (Plant) Exp:720 Fame:300
                            Normally, you can only see its thick leaves, but at night large, white flowers of up to 20cm bloom. Its transparent pure-white petals are beautiful, and it has a string, sweet fragrance when flowering.

                            You get 100 White Flowers and Book of Flora and Faune for discovering and reporting this quest.

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