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Breakout Work
No Expiration
Amsterdam Adventurer's Guild
Have you heard of Titian? He is a very succesfull Venetian artist, so succesfull that he is said to represent the pinnacle of the Venetian art world. Titian made his reputation mostly through a magnificent altarpiece he created, which i would like you to go see. Gather information in Venice.



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Venice Michelangelo Estate Michelangelo; Talk to
Venice Church Sister; Talk to
Venice Church Discovery left of the altar. Use
Observe Search 

1. Painting of Tiziano
Tiziano is great with the usage of colours and texture. Colours are deep and strng, you can also hear the ruffling of the cloths, and the skin seems soft and supple. It's not something i can do. The altarpiece that becme his claim to fame is at the church in this town. You should ask someone there.

2. As though you are there
Icons in the past had to follow various rigid rules, so they were beautiful but appeared somewhat distant. Mr. Tiziano's altarpiece, on the other hand, makes the viewer feel like he or she is right there at the scene. I felt my body tremble when i first saw it!

3. Altarpiece of Tiziano
The church in Venice has the altarpiece by Tiziano that became his claim to fame. Apparently it is a very impressive piece. I should "Search nearthe altar in the church.
- Discovery
St. Mary of the Friars ★★★★ (Work of art) Exp:624 Fame:245
A huge altarpiece by Tiziano. It appears Maria is being drawn towards heaven and is depicted here as full of life; this is quite different to images of the Holy Mother painted up to then. Tiziano's greatest achievements began with this painting.
On Gama server, the quest name is "Breakout work".
On Gama server, the quest name is "Breakout work".