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History of stained glass
No Expiration
Venice Adventurer's Guild
자네가 지난번에 한 일의 소문을 듣고 이곳 학자가 자네를 지명했다네. 그 스테인드 글라스의 유래를 조사해 달라는군. 일단, 암스테르담의 목사에게 자세한 것을 물어보면 뭔가 알 수 있지 않을까? 현지에 가서 조사해 보게나.

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국적 한정 퀘스트 : 잉글랜드
선행 발견/퀘스트 [종교유물] 1 성모 스테인드 글라스<[퀘스트] 모험 | 모험가의 이직 (2 스페인어 1, 프랑스어 1, 탐색 1*) - 사그레스><[퀘스트] 모험 | 조합 최초의 일 (1 탐색 1, 네덜란드어 1) - 런던, …><[퀘스트] 공통 | 모험가의 이직 (1 포르투갈어 1) - 세우타><[퀘스트] 모험 | 성모 스테인드 글라스 (1 탐색 1, 포르투갈어 1) - 세비야><[퀘스트] 모험 | 조합 최초의 일 (1 탐색 1, 스페인어 1) - 마르세이유><[퀘스트] 공통 | 모험가의 이직 (1 스페인어 1, 프랑스어 1) - 시라쿠사><[퀘스트] 공통 | 모험가의 이직 (1 영어 1) - 그로닝겐>
Amsterdam , 교회의 목사와 대화
Amsterdam , 모험가조합 마스터와 대화
London , 서고의 학자에게 보고
1. 목사의 이야기
이 전의 성모 스테인드 글라스라? 그건 왕실을 통해 이쪽에 안치된거야. 원래는 포르투갈이 보냈다고 들었네. 어떤 경위였는지는... 이곳의 조합마스터라면 자세한 뒷 사정을 알지 않을까?
2. 스테인드 글라스 기증의 뒷 사정
교회의 스테인드 글라스? 그건, 포르투갈과의 외교협의 때, 기념으로 보내진 거지. 당시에는 포르투갈도 에스파니아와의 관계도 지금처럼 평온하지 않았으니까.
/Exp After report/ 24, /Fame/ 30
교회 종교화의 지도 1
Religious Painting Map 1
You can get this from multiple locations and not sure if the order are same, but from Amsterdam Adventure Guild you need to do the following:
1. London Square Church - City Resident
2. London Church (near royal palace) - Bishop
3. London Shakespear Estate - talk 1x with him.
4. Report to Amsterdam scholar.
I did the prerequisite quest but for the life of me (and about 50 qmps) was not able to pull this one in Seville. Then I went to Amsterdam and the Mediator there was already waiting for me with it. Either I was extremely unlucky or this one isn't actually given in Sev.
I think maybe I was lucky.. I pulled it using 2 QMPs in Seville
If you get the quest in Seville:
Porto: Talk to Priest in the church
Porto: Talk to Duarte Lopez
Seville: Talk to Scholar
If anyone got the quest in Venice:
Ragusa - Talk to Resident near Church
Ragusa - Talk to Shipyard Master
Venice - Talk to Michelangelo
Venice - Report to Scholar
I attempted to do this quest, but went through 400 QMPs in Venice, Seville and Amsterdam. SelinaWayne got the quest in Seville and when I fleeted with her, I was unable to get the quest. The message was "The quest "History of stained glass" undertaken by the Admiral is one restricted to those of certain nationalities."
Nver seens this before when I did this quest in GAMA. Please advise, thank you!
Found out from [CA]Alianore that this quest is Nation restricted. And got th quest on my Portugese alt in Lisbon. But the quest is now call "The origins of stained glass"
Only Spanish players can take this quest in Seville, that's why you could not accept that quest. What is your nation?
Portugese alt got the quest in Lisbon. And no, not only Spanish players can take the quest, as I mentioned, the quest is available in every Nation's Capital Port
If you got the quest in Marseilles:
Barcelona - Talk to Man - Behind Town Official.
Barcelona - Talk to Shipyard Master
Marseilles - Talk to Leonardo da Vinci
Marseilles - Talk to Scholar
As the quest guide states:
*** This quest is Nation restricted. Take it from your Nation's Capital City (Thanks Pinnacle for confirming with CA). Quest Guide/Steps vary depending on city it is taken from.
Try looking for it in your Otto's original nation (if you can remember which one it was). If the problem persists, you may have to check with CAs in game, or consider asking UWO team via support ticket for guidance. Good luck.
When I checked Logs, apparently I already finish this quest as Otto. Ty for prompt answer.
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