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            History of stained glass
            No Expiration
            Venice Adventurer's Guild
            Based on the skill with which you
            performed last time, the Scholar
            in this town has a request
            specifically for you. They want
            you to investigate the history of
            that stained glass. It was
            apparently in the town of Porto
            in Portugal. If you go to the Pub
            there, you might find something
            out. First order a drink at the
            Pub and ask the Barkeep.
            •  Member
            • Language/Edit History

                          Stained Glass of the Madonna 1 1 Stained Glass of the Madonna
                          Currently Here
                          Religious Painting Map
                          Statue of Madonna and child 2 4 1 The Madonna and Child

                          *** This quest is Nation restricted. Take it from your Nation's Capital City (Thanks Pinnacle for confirming with CA). Quest Guide/Steps vary depending on city it is taken from.

                          The Porto priest's story
                          You mean the Stained Glass of Virgin Mary from Lisbon? H heard
                          that the priest who was posted here before me gave it as tribute to
                          the royal family. It is said that it was originally donated by the
                          adventurer Duarte Lopez. How about you visit his mansion in this

                          The retired adventurer
                          The likeness of the Virgin? The previous priest was always looking
                          to ingratiate himself with the royal court, and I was saddened when
                          he sent it to the royal palace in Lisbon. I got that back in my
                          youth, on a voyage. I donated it because that sort of thing belongs
                          in a church.

                          Report to the scholar
                          The Stained Glass of Virgin Mary
                          was obtained by the adventurer
                          Duarte Lopez on a voyage and
                          donated to a church in Porto.
                          After that, it was given by the
                          royal court by the church, and
                          displayed in the Lisbon Cathedral.
                          Deliver your report to the scholar
                          in the library in Seville.

                          Report to the scholar
                          I see, so it was a gift from Mr. Lopez. This design is actually based
                          on another original painting. I believe it was in Genoa...
                          I'll give you a copy of a map showing where the original was
                          stored. If you're interested maybe you could go give it a look over.
                          I'll send the map to the Guild so you can pick it up there.

                          Reward and Unlock: Religious Painting Map

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