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      Crocodiles of the south east continent
      No Expiration
      Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
      Hey, you investigated about crocodiles before, haven't you? Most people think crocodiles are vicious man-eating beasts. Actually, they also live on land on the continent to the southeast from here. For the safety of voyagers heading to that continent as well, I'd like you to go investigate the habits of that animal. Ask the Port Official for instructions.
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                        1. Jakarta - speak with Port Official
                        2. Kakadu - speak with Barkeep
                        3. Kakadu - speak with City Official
                        4. Kakadu - speak with Seafarer
                        5. Australia Northwest Coast - near the Stacked Boulders use Observe and Ecological Research

                        (Thanks to JR and ReaD for the original guide.)

                        Crocodile? Fish? 8 10 1 Alligator Gar

                        1. Gather information in Kakadu
                        You're going to investigate crocodiles, right? Please start by gathering information at a town called Kakadu. If you keep sailing southeast from here, you'll reach a mainland. Then head northeast along the land. After a while, Kakadu should come into sight.

                        2. I just don't get it
                        What kind of animal is a crocodile? Hmm... It looks like a giant lizard with a long head and a mouth that really opens wide? Um... can't say that rings a bell. Well, if it's something about this region, you should always ask a Town Official first. They know all sorts of things.

                        3. Fast movements
                        Well, there's a fair amount of information about that creature... Ah, here we go. Its external features are very similar to what you just said. And it apparently can move much faster than it looks. If you're going to observe it, make sure you don't approach it carelessly. You might also want to hear a story from a Sailor who's staying at a rest area here.

                        4. Whimsical
                        Ah, I have seen that animal. It was when I went into the land to the southwest of town. As far as I know, I've never heard of someone being attacked by one of those... But that doesn't mean they're not dangerous. You must be about the only person curious enough to go looking for one.

                        5. Investigation of crocodile that lives on land
                        The crocodiles living in the land to the southwest of Kakadu are said to be able to move much faster than they look. Even if no one has been attacked, it must be very dangerous to approach them carelessly. Disembark there and investigate it with a lot of caution.

                        Quest Mediation Permit


                          • Discovery
                          • Crocodile ★★★★ (Large creature) Exp:624 Fame:260
                            A creature with a characteristically long snout. The body is approximately 2.5 meters, and it can move very quickly on the ground.

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