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Fusion of religions along the Atlantic
No Expiration
Seville Adventurer's Guild
대서양을 사이에 둔 왕래가 활발하게 되었기 때문인지, 카리브에 새로운 종교가 생겼다고 한다. 기본은 정령신앙인 것 같지만, 대서양에 접한 각 지역의 종교가 융합되어 있는 것 같다. 이 종교를 조사해 주면 좋겠다. 산토도밍고에서 조사해 봐 주게.



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[IMG19,Quest guide]
Santo Domingo - 주점의 와이라와 대화
Santo Domingo - 도시관리 맞은편의 소녀와 대화
West Santo Domingo - 남서쪽의 뾰족바위 남쪽으로 14m 부근에서 조사
[IMG16,Obtained info]

1. 효력있는 부적
저는 주문 밖에는 모르지만, 이 도시에 있는 친구가 부적을 만들어 주거든요. 굉장히 잘 들어요! 아참, 밤에 집회가 있다던데. 초대를 받았지만 저는 밤에 일찍 자기 때문에 못가거든요~

2. 나는 맘보입니다.
그래, 와이라에게 들었군요. 당신이 조사하는 것은 부두지요? 제가 맘보, 즉 여사제랍니다. 밤에 이 도시의 교외에서 제의를 지내는데, 신성한 장소기 때문에 신자 이외에는 들어오지 못한답니다. …낮이라면 아무도 없으니, 보러 와도 돼요.

3. 새로운 종교의 제의
카리브에서 요즘 생겨난 종교는 밤에 제례를 지낸다고 한다. 낮에는 제례 장소를 봐도 된다고 하니 산토도밍고의 교외를 조사해 보자. 남서쪽 뾰족 바위 부근이 거기가 아닐까.
Quest Mediation Permit
Amulet of the Moon
Voodoo Altar
발견시 모험경험 630, 달의 부적
카드 획득시 경험 156
보고시 모험경험 200, 모험명성 110, 의뢰 알선서 8 획득
- Discovery
Voodoo Altar 1 ★★★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:756 Fame:300
Voodoo is a new religion made from a combination of African religions and Christianity. This altar is used to call a spirit or Loa. Candles and needles are used in the rituals.

Southern pointed boulder.
This quest is a pre-quest to The God of the Voodoo, Rio de Janeiro Adventure Guild.
Quest name: The God of the Voodoo
Location: Rio de Janeiro Adventure's Guild
Required Skill: Search 7, Theology 9, Spanish
8 Stars, 156.000 ducats, 10.000 advance.
Pre-quest: Fusion of religions along the Atlantic
Quest Details: There's a request that came in from a young man in this city. He wants you to do some research on the god of Voodoo. I've heard that Voodoo was developed in the Caribbean, but i wonder shy a person from here wants to know about that... it seems like it would be good to ask them personally.
Quest guide:
Rio de Janeiro: Talk to Young man (Near port official)
Santo Domingo: Talk to Maiden
West Santo doming: South of pointed boulders (to the south)
Discovery: The Cross of Voodoo (Religious relic, 5 diamonds)
1020 adventure XP (in adv job)
510 adventure XP for card
Obtained Info:
1. A Doll and a Dream: Just the other day i picked up a strange doll near the shore. I left it alone since it was completely run-down, but that night the doll came to my dreams and began to say. 'thou are aid of Baron Samedi'... Hey, what's a Baron Samedi? If it's about the god of Voodoo, i heard about it from these guys from Santo Domingo.
2. Baron Samedi: Baron Samedi is the god of graveyards and death. There is a cross symbolizing Baron Samedi in the festival grounds in the ourskirts of this city. The doll that the man from Rio de Janeiro picked up is most likely made as a good luck charm by someone who believes in Baron Samedi.
3. Baron Samedi: The doll the client picked up was associated with the Voodoo god, Baron Samedi. Baron Samedi is apparently the god of graveyards and death. In the outskirts of Santo Domingo, it is said that there is a cross wihch symbolizes Baron Samedi.
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