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            Sword of Holy Knights
            No Expiration
            Marseille Adventurer's Guild
            You had previously investigated the Song of Roland, right? What happened to Roland in that story? Roland was found, dead, holding a sword by the King and the King took the sword back with him? If you search, maybe something will come up.
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                        1. Bordeaux - Talk to Resident (In the center of Bordeaux)
                        2. Nantes - Talk to Well-Dressed Youth (Outside Church)
                        3. Nantes Princess Marguerite Estate - Talk to Princess Marguerite
                        4. Syracuse Prince Jem Estate - Talk to Prince Jem
                        5. Bordeaux Tavern - Talk to Seafarer

                        Revival of the western Roman empire 4 6 4 Charlemagne's Crown
                        The knight of knights 1 1
                        The Song of Roland 1 1
                        Sword of Holy Knights
                        Durandal 7 9 7 Durandal

                        1. The crystal sword
                        It's said Durandal was a beautiful sword with a crystal set into its handle. In the battle at Roncevaus Pass, it was not nicked at all even after killing an enemy. Roland feared his weapon would pass into the enemy's hands after his death, so he tried to break it agains a rock, buy only the rock was destroyer. In the end, he managed to meet his death still holding his sword.

                        2. The Carolingian dynasty
                        After Roland's death, it's said that Durandal was passed to King Charlemagne and then on to his knights. When Charlemagne died, the sword was handed down to his only son Louis I, who, in turn, left it for the French Carolingian dynasty, which was ruled by his son Charles II.

                        3. The sword passes to the Sicily dynasty
                        When the French Carolingian dynasty broke apart, the sword passed to a Carolingian woman named Gisele who was maried to Rollo, the Duke of Normaldy. Gisele and Rollo's great-grandchildren Muriel and Fressenda then married into the Hauteville royal family in Sicily. Thereafter, the renowned sword Durandal was passed down through Sicilian royalty.

                        4. The evening bell in Sicily
                        In the 13th century, members of the House of Anjou from France killed King Manfred and began to rule Sicily. But, during a citizen rebellion known as the "Sicilian Vespers", many French immigrants were killed and the Anjou rulers lost their power. It's said that Durandal was passed down to Mandred's daughter Constantia around this time.

                        5. The sword passes to he Aragon dynasty
                        They say that the Eastern Roman Emperor, who shared a rivalry with Anjou, was really manipulating things behind the scenes during the Sicilian Vespers. But well... After the rebellion, the princess's husband King Peter III of Aragon and Catalonia became the ruler of Sicily. And, surely, the sword was passed to he House of Aragon.

                        6. The sword passes from knight to king
                        It's said Durandal wasa beautiful sword with a crystal set into its handle. After Roland died, it was passes to King Charlemagne and then onto the French Carolingian dynasty. When that dynasty

                        Quest Mediation Permit


                        보고시 경험치 90, 명성 100, 의뢰 알선서 16 획득

                            The reward was 90 adv xp, 75 adv fame and 3 QMP.

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