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Delicious black bird
No Expiration
Seville Adventurer's Guild
You can travel to the Caribbean, can't you? In that case, there's a bird I want you to investigate. Supposedly, it's very good to keep as a domestic animal. Apparently, it's several times larger than a chicken and you can take its eggs, too. You should ask around at a tavern in Santo Domingo.



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[IMG19,Quest guide]
Santo Domingo - Seafarer
Santo Domingo - Resident
West Santo Domingo - use
Observe ,
Ecological Research near northern Pointed Boulder
[IMG16,Obtained info]

1. A tasty bird
What, turkey? Terrible thing it would be were you guys not to have such a delicious bird where you hail from. They're raised everywhere in these parts. Ask any lady in town, should know about cooking 'em, too, I reckon.

2. Cookery not possible aboard a ship
Turkeys, raise 'em myself, I do. The young ones, half a year or so, are the tastiest. How to cook 'em? Pardon me, but aren't you a sailor? For my steam and roasting, you must first hollow the bird and then stuff it. Lots of range-fed birds outside of town, why not take a look?

3. A bird that takes a long time to mature
Whilst the turkey is a bird with a very good taste to it, the year and a half wait to eat it is on the long side. Quite a bit larger than chickens it would seem. Since it seems they are range-fed on the outskirts of Santo Domingo, do permit me to observe in the area of jagged rocks in the north.
Quest Mediation Permit
발견시 경험치 480, 카드 경험치 120
보고시 경험치 180, 명성 190, 의뢰 알선서 7 획득
- Discovery
Turkey 10 ★★★ (Bird) Exp:528 Fame:240
A large bird, the males stand at more than a meter in length. It has particularly unusual features with no feathers on its head, and sagging skin. When it grows agitated, the areas without feathers change colour. Part of the chicken family, it is easy to rear, and good for food.
This quest will unlock Santo Domingo's Adv quest : The cardinal and the delicious bird