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      London Adventurer's Guild
      The Oakwood FLeet had Merlin's letter. However, it was written in what appears to be a Celtic language, and it could not be read. Let's find a Scholar who knows Celtic and have them read it.
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                  [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[ZONE:90005181] - speak with Scholar 2x 3.[ZONE:90005007] - speak with Barkeep [IMG:Quest_Chain] [IMG:21][QUEST:99993457] [IMG:22][QUEST:99993456] [IMG:23][QUEST:99993458] [IMG:24]Currently here [IMG:25][QUEST:99993460] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] 1. Letter from Merlin You want me to read a letter for you? Which one? Hmm, let's see... "I hereby decree that you are qualified to wield the Excalibur. The holy blade can be found in the land of Avalon far to the west, across the great sea. When you reach this land the Excalibur will be yours." [IMG:01] 2. The earth in the far west A land far to the west across the great sea, eh... Is that talking about the New World? They say that if you leave out of here and keep sailing to the west you'll wind up in the New world. I heard there are several islands just east of the New World. [IMG:01] 3. Island of the New World An island near the New World? Hmm, if you're looking for a big island there's the one with the city of Santo Domingo on it... I just wonder if you can actually make it all the way out there... I wouldn't try it if I were you. [IMG:06] 4. Where is Avalon? It seems that the Avalon which King Arthur left for is an island in the New World. According to Merlin's letter, the Holy Sword can be obtained by going to that island. But it's extremely dangerous to travel such a distance.

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