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The knight of knights
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Marseille Adventurer's Guild
This is a request from the Nobility. From ancient times, Roland from the Song of Roland was the quintessential knight. I want you to find out about his life.
I think his hometown was France. In Northern France, there should be bountiful stories remaining about him


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Calais - Talk to Resident (Near City Official)
Nantes - Talk to Well-dressed Youth (Outside Church)
Bordeaux Tavern - Talk to Barkeep
Bordeaux Tavern - Talk to Seafarer
Gijon Tavern - Talk to Barkeep
※ You can get the clues in any order.

Revival of the western Roman empire 


Charlemagne's Crown 
The knight of knights
The Song of Roland 

Sword of Holy Knights 




1. Born as a king's nephew
Roland was a marquis in Nantes and the nephew of Charles the Great, who's also known as King Charlemagne. It's said the king's sister was ousted from the palace for being pregnant out of wedlock. She gave birth to Roland in a certain town and then raised him. When the king stayed in the town where Roland lived, they met by chance and Roland became one of his retainers.

2. A sword from an angel
Roland really was amazing, don't you think? His trusted sword Durandal was given to him by an angel. He then presented it to the king, but Charlemagne refused and returned it to him saying, "I want you to protect yourself with this blade." Roland was deeply moved, so he decided to put his life on the line from thereafter on behalf on the king.

3. Reconquista
When i hear the name Roland, i think of his death at Roncevaux Pass. He had accompanied King Charlemagne in an invasion of Spain. They fought to return Spain, which was being occupied by Muslims, to Christian hands during the period as the Reconquista.

4. The battle in the Pyrenees
After King Charlemagne conquered the Kingdom of the Lombards in Italy, he then gained control of Zaragova in Spain. But, on te way home, he was attacked by Islamic forces in the Pyrenees and lost several vassals, including Roland. The well known "Song of Roland" is actually sung about this incident.

5. The knight's longing
Due to the ploy of one of his uncles, whom he had a falling out with, Roland had to fight the Islamic army. Like in the "Song of Roland", he battled to the end without fleeing, but died carrying out his duty. Because of his heric death and his devotion to the king, he received calls of admiration and sympathy from other knights. Roland was, in fact, a knight amongs knights.

6. The knight of knights
Roland wasa marquis in Nantes who was born to the unwed sister of King Charlemagne. Bearing his trusted sword Durandal, he server the king with great devotion. But, on the way home from invading Spain, his sude were attacked by the enemy at Roncevaux Pass in the Pyrenees and he heroically lost his life. More details about him can be found in the "Song of Roland".
Quest Mediation Permit
보고시 경험치 70, 명성 80, 의뢰 알선서 2 획득