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        Ruins in Ireland
        No Expiration
        Amsterdam Adventurer's Guild
        Have you ever been to Ireland? Apparently there are ruins of a very old civilization there, but aside from having strange patterns on the walls, not much else is known. I'd like you to go investigate; you may want to talk to a scholar in London first.
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                      [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[ZONE:90005181] - Scholar: Talk to 2.[ZONE:90005181] - Scholar: Browse books [DBLINK:30000025] 3.[ZONE:90005178] - Barkeep: Talk to 4.[ZONE:90005277] - City Official: Talk to 5.[ZONE:90005279] - Priest: Talk to 6.[ZONE:90002002] - Use [DBLINK:30000035][DBLINK:30000016], near [ZONE:90003002] entrance [IMG:Quest_Chain] [IMG:21][QUEST:99993237] [IMG:22] Ruins in Ireland [DBLINK:70000014] Unlock [DBLINK:01900017] [DBLINK:70000116] [DBLINK:01900037] [DBLINK:70000190] [IMG:31][QUEST:99995275] [IMG:31][QUEST:99997628] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] 1. Celtic times, from that... If you're looking for an old ruin in Ireland, it's probably something left by Celtic people. If it's a Celtic ruin, I'm sure you'll find unique diet figurines, weapons and armour. However, it is possible it is from a different culture. Stonehenge is such an example. Investigate my library. [IMG:01] 2. British region before the Celts There are theories that there was a civilization even older than the Celtics on Britain and Ireland. Stonehenge and similar structures seem to have been built in a period preceding the Celtics. It is unknown whether these were ancestors of the Celtics or a completely different civilization. I think the research will advance if writing or something similar is found. [IMG:01] 3. Maybe an Irish town You want to research about Ireland? Wouldn't it best to just go there? Dublin is a city in Ireland. Who would be knowledgeable... Why not talk to the town official in Dublin? [IMG:01] 4. An educated person The most educated of this town is certainly the priest. He keeps a great number of books in a library. The priest of this town especially enjoys studying, and is interested in many subjects other than religion. I'm sure he will help you. [IMG:01] 5. Whirlpool-like pattern A little distance away from this town, there are several hills thought to be extremely ancient ruins. They just look like hills at first glance, but there are several fallen stones that have a pattern like a whirlpool. I wonder why they did not leave any writing. Maybe you will understand. [IMG:06] 6. Hill-like ruins I understand that there are ruins that look like hills if you proceed inland from the outskirts of Dublin. Rocks have been unearthed that have inlaid patterns, possibly the stuff of magic. It is thought that no writing is found because letters writing did not exist. Search for ruins like that and use "Reconition". Discovery Reward: 250 (125) Adventure Exp Card Reward: [DBLINK:70000014] , 125 (62) Adventure Exp Report Quest Reward: [DBLINK:01500232] , 90 (45) Adventure Exp, 100 (50) Adventure Fame

                        • Discovery
                        • The Boyne Valley Ruins ★★ (Historic site) Exp:250 Fame:90
                          Prehistoric remains in Ireland. Rows of tombstones with intricate stonework. The back of this sepulcher is illuminated by the morning sun on only a few days around the winter solstice.

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