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      Two faces
      No Expiration
      Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
      I have a little bit strange request here. I have heard about an animal on the southeast continent that glides between the trees.
      Someone who saw it, says "it had a small face on it belly". I'd like you to find out about this animal. There is a witness in Kakadu. Go ask the Port Official about how to sail to Kakadu.
      •  Member
      • Language/Edit History

                                1. Jakarta - Talk to Port Official
                                2. Kakadu - Talk to Resident x2
                                3. Australia Northwest Coast - Southwest of map click the "Ruins" x2
                                4. Australia Northwest Coast - near the "Ruins" use Observe & Ecological Research

                                Give pursuit 4 6 1 Wallaby
                                Borrowing a bed 4 6 1 Common Brushtail Possum

                                Two faces 3 5 1 Sugar Glider
                                Search for the difference 4 6 1 Greater Glider

                                1. Course as far as Kakadu.
                                Then you're going to Kakadu? Head straight southeast from this town and you'll reach the mainland. Then sail along the land to the northeast until you see a town. I think you'll have to travel quite some distance, though. Please don't attempt this journey until you're fully prepared.

                                2. When it flew over.
                                A creature that glides from tree to tree? And I bet it has a small face attached to its belly. I can tell you about it in detail. When I went into the land to the southwest from here, I discovered an animal that was flying around between the trees. Its tail was extremely long, as the same size as its body. And when it flew directly above me...

                                3. I didn't see it wrong.
                                Near its stomach, there was a face attached to it that looked just like its own face. And I wasn't seeing things. If you think I'm making this up, then search there for yourself. I'm sure you'll find some clues. But... maybe it's scarier if I did actually see what I though I saw. Like if I had the same face as this coming out of my tummy... Hey! Don't turn your nose up at me!

                                4. Wanting.
                                Might it be the animal which flew into that tree? It has a tail about the same size as its body. I should wait until it flies again. And then I'll look near its stomach.

                                5. A child's face?
                                It took off! I really did see a face coming out of its stomach. But the man from Kakadu's assumption seems quite wrong. That was probably just a pup. It must be attached to its mother somehow. Now that animal flew off to the northwest.

                                6. Investigation of animal with two faces.
                                Mostly likely, the face protruding from the gliding animal's stomach belonged to a child. But it's unclear how it manages to stick to its mother. The creature flew off to the northwest from the ruins in the land to the southwest of Kakadu. Go after it and observe it.

                                  • Discovery
                                  • Sugar Glider ★★ (Small creature) Exp:280 Fame:140
                                    A flying marsupial. It has a tail covered in long, soft fur. When flying through the air, that fur acts as a rudder. It lives in small groups and eats tree sap and seeds.

                                    sorry many changes xD i was testing but its done

                                    Happens all the time haha x)
                                    Gogo! ^^

                                    To DB : could u make the program able for us to correct or delete our mistake rather than making a new edition quest list

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