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      Crest of the Dragon Slayer
      No Expiration
      Alexandria Adventurer's Guild
      Hmmm... the barkeeper in Beirut is a persistent one eh? But now that you discovered a dragon that he wanted, I suppose you can now go talk to him. Set out for Beirut as soon as possible and talk to him.
      •  Member
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                    Barkeeper (Beirut) x5
                    Discovery! (Beirut - Mosque)

                    The sword of St. George 1 5
                    Askalon 1 1
                    Relayed by legends 1 1 1
                    Dragon slayer 1 1 1
                    Brave George 1
                    Bones of a winged dragon 4 6 1 The Bones of a Winged Dragon
                    Currently Here!
                    Banner of the Dragon Slayer 1 1
                    Treasure of Asmodai 1 3 1 The Jewel of Asmodeus

                    Legend of Georg
                    What? Bones from a winged dragon? !............ It certainly does seem completely different from anything I've seen. Then perhaps dragons really... In that case, I suppose the other story might have some truth to it as well.

                    Descendant of Georg
                    I'm actually the descendant of the hero Georg. According to legend, a long time ago, there was a dragon near Sirene, causing sort of trouble they usually do. Of those sent to kill it, not one returned. In the end, the king decided to put a stop to the whole situation, at the expense of his own daughter's life. A human sacrifice, in other words.

                    Traveler who defeated a dragon
                    And that's when Georg came along, in the middle of his travels at the time. He heard the story, painted some poison onto his sword --Ascalon-- and went out to kill the dragon. The dragon died in a few moments after taking a poisoned wound, and Georg married the princess and settled down in the city. THe two eventually had a son, and apparently, I'm their descendant.

                    Georgius and Geog
                    In practice, the poison had a good deal more of an effect than the sword, but Ascalon became famous as a dragon slaying sword, so house of the Georg took it up as their coat of arms. But as far as I can tell, the crusaders took Georgius from Rome and Georg from Sirene, mixed them up and created the character as we know as St. Georg.

                    Crest of Georg
                    So everyone knows about the dragon slaying St. Georg, but not a soul's heard of Goerg. You've done a lot to help and I'd like to reward you somehow, but I'm not exactly wealthy.... Well, go to mosque in town and take a look at the Georg coat of arms at least. You'll find it engraved in one of the lecterns there.

                    Crest of the dragon slayer
                    From what I've hear, the owner of the rest area in Beirut is supposed to be a descendant of the hero Georg. During the time of the crusaders, Saint Georgius and Georg's legends got mixed and spread across the world, and Georg is by now a forgotten name. You'll find Georg's symbol engraved in one of the lecterns at the mosque there. Use "search" to examine it.


                      • Discovery
                      • Dragon Slayer Crest ★★ (Treasure) Exp:350 Fame:120
                        A banner bearing the crest of the heroic dragon slayer George, handed down through his descendants. If it is dyed on a sail and raised, it would be a truly heroic sight.

                        in Beirut, speak to Rest House Master x5 (Rest Area)
                        in Beirut Mosque, use Observe and Search back left
                        Report quest

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