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      The true southernmost tip
      No Expiration
      Lisbon Adventurer's Guild
      You did a survey of storm patterns and such in the Cape of Good Hope before, but now there's a geographical survey request. Some are claiming that the cape is not the southernmost tip of Africa so we would like you to go there to confirm. You may want to talk to Admiral Dias, the man who pioneered those waters, before you leave.
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                      1. Lisbon Admiral Dias Estate - Talk to Admiral Dias
                      2. Lisbon - Talk to Port Official
                      3. Lisbon Admiral Dias Estate - Talk to Admiral Dias
                      4. Lisbon - Talk to Port Official
                      5. Cape - Talk to Young Man
                      6. Cape Agulhas, Open Sea - Use Observe and Recognition around 1110,6120

                      Tip: you can use the Quest Clue button to teleport back and forth between Dias/Port Official to save time.

                      South tip of Africa 2 4 1 The Cape of Good Hope
                      The true southernmost tip 2 4 1 Cape Agulhas

                      1. Old story of Dias
                      You wanna hear about when I sailed to the Cape of Good Hope? Whew, that was a rough ride. I believe it was right between Karibib and Cape. I got caught up in a huge storm... After more than ten days of sailing I decided to go north. The Port Official should have the navigation records if you're interested.

                      2. Voyage log
                      Admiral Dias' fleet continued on to the east after the storm passed. Every good sailor knows to sail east once you've traveled so far south from the African coast that you can't see land any longer. But no matter how long he sailed he couldn't see any land. He thought he may have gone past the southern tip of land so he decided to go north from there. Truly a decision only the Admiral could make!

                      3. Response of Indian trade routes
                      After going a ways I saw the coastline ran north. I thought this was the southern tip of Africa so I assumed that if we continued on we would eventually reach India. But my crew had reached their limit. So, I went north a bit to the Cape of Good Hope, put up a stone pillar, and went back home from there.

                      4. Cape of good hope is not the most southern point
                      Just as Admiral Dias said, the Cape of Good Hope is not the southernmost tip of Africa. And while people generally give praise to Admiral Dias' achievements many people still believe this to be the case and it has become a sort of mistaken fact over the years. Go talk to the people of Cape and see the actual geography of the area for yourself.

                      5. Region of the sea with many storms
                      Oh, are those European chaps thinking the Cape of Good Hope is the southernmost tip of Africa? They should be able to tell from looking that the land goes further down. Well, even if you get down to the southernmost point I wouldn't stay there long. You'll probably end up getting caught up in a storm and won't make it back if you do.

                      6. Find the true southernmost tip
                      The Cape of Good Hope that Admiral Dias discovered is just one of Africa's capes and is not the southernmost point. I should use the "Recognition" command after I reach the southernmost tip by following the coastline south from Cape.

                      Introduction to Navigation

                      Cape Agulhas

                      발견시 경험치 230, 카드 경험치 57
                      보고시 경험치 120, 명성 120, 항해기술입문 획득

                        • Discovery
                        • Cape Agulhas ★★ (Geography) Exp:230 Fame:115
                          The cape at the southernmost end of Africa. The Cape of Good Hope is dozens of kilometers northwest from here. Wouldn't that normally make this the Cape of Good Hope?

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