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        Necklace of memories
        No Expiration
        Amsterdam Adventurer's Guild
        There is apparently quite a luxurious piece of jewellery in Nantes that many jewellers are dying to see, but its owner stubbornly refuses to show it. So they're asking you to somehow convince the owner to show it to you, then relay what it looks like to them.
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                  [IMG19,Quest guide]
                  1. Nantes Princess Marguerite Estate - Princess Marguerite: Talk to x2
                  3. Nantes Church - Priest: Talk to
                  4. Nantes Church - Use Observe Search near pedestal

                  [IMG16,Obtained info]
                  1. What is important
                  That is something my mother received a friend of hers. I always remember watching her friend looking at it and talking with each other when I was little. It's very important to me, and I'm afraid and I can't show it to just anyone. Do you think you would be able to appreciate its value?

                  2. A calming necklace
                  ...I like your attitude. I'll show you. Whenever I look at that necklace I think of my mother and it is truly the only time I can feel at peace. I don't remember who that woman was that was so kind to my mother, but the necklace is at the church now. Ask the priest about it. He will show you.

                  3. Gift for a wife
                  There's a rumour about the necklace. Supposedly King Henry wanted to give the necklace to Madame Poitiers but she did not accept it so it was given to Lady Catherine instead...
                  Of my well, let's keep the speculation at that I suppose. The necklace is under the pedestal if you want to take a look at it.

                  4. Necklace of memories
                  The rumoured necklace was apparently given as a gift to Lady Catherine from her husband and the duke of Orleans, Henry. There is also an inside story about the necklace, but it is pure speculation so perhaps I shouldn't get involved. The necklace is under the pedestal in the church. Maybe if I can figure out how it's connected.


                  Discovery Reward:
                  110 (55) Adventure Exp

                  Card Reward:
                  The Queen's Necklace , 55 (27) Adventure Exp

                  Report Quest Reward:
                  Quest Mediation Permit , 60 (30) Adventure Exp, 60 (30) Adventure Fame

                    • Discovery
                    • The Queen's Necklace ★ (Treasure) Exp:110 Fame:40
                      A necklace thought to be the property of a queen. The power of the Royal family is symbolized by the huge ruby, the large sapphire, and the ample diamond studs.

                      Quest is wrong talk to the princess x2 then the priest and you get the info you need.

                      Quest is wrong talk to the princess x2 then the priest and you get the info you need.

                      Actually the Quest is correct - Searched in front of Book stand after talking to Priest and found the necklace - completed the quest

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