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          Line of giant stones
          No Expiration
          Lisbon Adventurer's Guild
          There's a strange formation of stones out in the French countryside. Nobody seems to know who, when, or why these stones were erected. Can you go and investigate? The site is near Nantes, so that would be a good place to start. Try talking to some locals there for information.
          •  Member
          • Language/Edit History

                  1. Nantes - Girl( behind Town Official)
                  2. Nantes Church - Priest
                  3. Nantes - Theologian(west from tavern)
                  4. Karnak - south-west from entrance Observe Recognition

                  Investigation of Stonehenge 1 1 1 Stonehenge

                  The scarlet hunter 3 5 1 Red Kite

                  1. Like a big tomb
                  The place where rocks are lined up? Yes, I go to visit sometimes. They are perfect for playing hide and go seek. Some of the rocks are reeeallly huge. The stones are all lined up for as far as the eye can see, like a cemetery. But there are no letters or any writing on them. I wonder if it's a cemetery? Why not ask the Father?

                  2. East-west marker stone
                  The rocks of Karnack? I've passed by them many times...some rocks as large as 6m, all lined up in a row from east to west. There are no inscriptions at all. It doesn't seem to be a cemetery. The Scholar of this town has attended University. He might know something

                  3. Similarity to historic landmarks of the British Isles
                  I have never seen the rocks of Karnack, but I have heard of a similar ruins in Britain of giant rocks in a row with no inscriptions. If they are all arranged in a straight line, it's probably something man-made. It might be possible to know how old the rocks our by the condition of their surface

                  4. Megalithic group of unknown purpose
                  I hear that there are many large rocks arranged in a row if you proceed inland through the outskirts of Nantes. They look similar to Stonehenge, but these are apparently arranged in a straight line. They are probably very, very old. Try using "Recognition" near especially large rocks

                  Quest Mediation Permit

                  Karnak Megalithic Group

                  발견시 경험치 95, 카드 경험치 23
                  보고시 경험치 30, 명성 30, 의뢰 알선서 3 획득

                    • Discovery
                    • Karnak Megalithic Group ★ (Historic site) Exp:95 Fame:13
                      A group of prehistoric megaliths. Over 4000 stones stand lined in rows for an unknown purpose. The remains of stone structures abound, making it seem like a giant graveyard.

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