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      Die for love
      No Expiration
      London Adventurer's Guild
      I have another message for you from Shakespeare. Is that man really that busy? "Tristan and Isolde is quite a moving story. What was the reaction of the townspeople? Did they find it moving as well? Please continue on with the investigation."
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                    [IMG:Quest_Chain] [IMG:21][QUEST:99993620] [IMG:22][QUEST:99993232] [IMG:23] You Are Here [IMG:24][QUEST:99993621] [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[ZONE:90005205] Young Noble 2.[ZONE:90005181] Scholar 3.[ZONE:90005173] Spectator's Daughter - Near fountain (Northeast side) 4.[ZONE:90005173] Young Painter - In front of Palace 5.[ZONE:90005173][ZONE:90005179] - Shakespeare [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] A clandestine meeting Even after Isolde became queen the two would still meet in secret often. But you know that's bound to get discovered eventually! One night, when the king was out hunting the two thought it would be safe to see each other. But! The king was actually there after being tipped off by a vassal named Melot that wanted to get rid of Tristan! And so begins the great final scene! [IMG:01] The king and Tristan The king says he loved Tristan like a son and even planned on giving the throne up to him one day. That is why he stayed single until he married Isolde for the sake of peace. That Tristan, his nephew and above all a loyal knight still went behind his back to see Isolde in secret. The king must have been devastated to discover this. [IMG:01] Tristan's death Tristan, with his secret meetings now revealed kneels down before the king and looks up at him with deeply saddened eyes. He knows he can't leave Isolde's side. He knows the he cannot return to the life of the loyal knight that he once led. So, he drops his own sword and throws himself onto Melot's blade. He had come to the conclusion that the only way he can escape this suffering was through death... [IMG:01] Two ivy covered graves Tristan take his final breath in Isolde's arms and she takes hers not long after. The king buries them separately but it is said that ivy grew from Tristan's grave to Isolde's forever connecting them together. Perhaps in death they final got what they so desired in life. [IMG:01] When the curtain falls... Hmm, yes... I like it. Very tragic. What if I ended it like this? "Isolde, will you come with me? To the place where i was born, a place where night is as dark as it is long." "Wherever you go Tristan, I too shall go." And then Tristan throws himself onto Melot's blade... What do you think? Whould it make you cry? [IMG:06] Die for love Even after Isolde became queen the two continue to meet in secret but the king finally discovers what they are up to one night. Tristan is torn between his loyalty for the king and his love Isolde and decide to take his own life. Isolde then also dies soon after. [DBLINK:90005179] 보고시 경험치 12, 명성 25 획득

                        Spectators daughter (near archives) and Young Painter (near royal palace)just before shakespear quest finish

                        London Church Speak with Young Noble (church near royal palace)

                        London Archives

                        Spectators daughter (near archives)

                        Young Painter (near royal palace


                        quest finished

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