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      Lizard that walks on two legs
      No Expiration
      Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
      Have you heard of a lizard on the island southeast of here that walks on two legs? I heard it from a tradesperson of this town. That would be an interesting discovery. Ask the tradesperson at the resting place and then begin your investigation.
      •  Member
      • Language/Edit History

                          1. Jakarta speak with Merchant (he will ask you to buy him some Banaba Tea)
                          2. Jakarta buy merchant a drink (click drinks all around, close and click on him again to activate)
                          3. Dili speak with Seafarer 2x
                          5. Australia Northwest Coast walk to and click on Ruins to progress quest
                          6. Australia Northwest Coast Use Observe and Ecological Research near ruins


                          Investigation into the Collared Dragon 7 9 1 Dragon Bones with Holes


                          [IMG16,Obtained info]
                          1. In exchange for Banaba tea
                          Oh? You want to know about a lizard that runs on two legs? I don't mind telling you, but, in exchange for that, how about treating me to some banaba tea? I made a bad trade and now I'm in the red...

                          2. To Dili
                          Ah! That was delicious. The best drink I could have had at a time like this. Then on to the lizard that runs on two legs. I heard about it at a tavern in Dili. Someone said it lives in the continent to the southeast. But I've got no interest in lizards, so I mostly forgot about it. If you want to know more, why don't you head over to Dili?

                          3. Lizard that made a snake recoil
                          A lizard that runs on two legs? Oh, I've seen that. On business, I went into the land on the continent to the south. From far away, I saw a snake attacking a lizard. And that's when it happened! I don't know what the lizard did exactly, but it looked like the snake had shrunk back. So then...

                          4. Search for land
                          The lizard turned itself away quickly and started running on four legs. As soon as it picked up speed, it got up on just two legs and continued running. If you head south from this town, you'll see that land. Search there and I'm sure you'll find signs of that lizard.

                          5. Method of threatening
                          It's a lizard. Looks like it saw me and stopped moving. Could it be that lizard? One moment later, I understand why the snake shrunk back. Suddenly, it unveiled a huge collar around its face! It then opened its mouth wide and, releasing a cry, started shaking from left to right. This must be the lizard I've been looking for! Oh... it's ran off in a north-easterly direction!

                          6. 목도리를 가진 도마뱀의 조사
                          The lizard that runs on two legs has, in addition to that ability, another characteristic type of behaviour where it intimidates enemies using a huge collar. The lizard ran away to the northeast from the ruins in the land south of Dili. Pursue it and do what you can to observe it.

                          Quest Mediation Permit

                          Frill-necked Lizard

                          발견시 경험치 330, 카드 경험치 82
                          보고시 경험치 280, 명성 92, 의뢰 알선서 5 획득

                            • Discovery
                            • Frill-necked Lizard ★★ (Small creature) Exp:330 Fame:165
                              A lizard that lives in Australia. Its body can reach 1 meter, including its long tail. It has a distinguishing frill around its neck. This fans out when it encounters an enemy and it attempts to intimidate by opening its mouth widely. Then, when its enemy backs off, it runs away on two legs.

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