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Stone ruins
No Expiration
Portobelo Adventurer's Guild
Lately around Merida, they've been finding a lot of oddly-shaped stone relics. Most likely they were used by an earlier tribe, but their purpose is yet unknown. A Scholar in Veracruz is supposedly studying them, so go have a chat with him.



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- Language/Edit History
1.[ZONE:90005732] Travelling Scholar
2.[ZONE:90001068] Near southeast Large Boulder [SKILL:30000035][SKILL:30000020]
[IMG:01] 1. Ceremonial stone
That is probably a ceremonial item. It was coloured or adorned with gems, and used as a gift to the gods. You can find many of the same items in the outskirts of this town. Perhaps you should take a look around.
[IMG:06] 2. Stone ruins
Apparently, the strange stone found near Merida is also found around Veracruz. Apparently, those are for ceremonial use, but I wonder if the ones from Merida were used in the same way. Perhaps if I search southeast of Veracruz, around the large stone, I will find more of the same.
발견시 경험치 340, 카드 경험치 85
보고시 경험치 270, 명성 180, 의뢰 알선서 5 획득
- Discovery
Celt ★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:340 Fame:170
The word Celt means a ceremonial axe. Many are decorated with intricate engravings. These were used in dances to the gods or when praying to ancestors.