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Monarchy of Islam
No Expiration
Athens Adventurer's Guild
In Islamic society, the effective leader in regards to military and political affairs is the "sultan", right? Well, a scholar studying Islamic hierarchies wants to learn more about how the position of sultan came into being. Beirut is probably a good place to learn about such things.



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[IMG19,Quest guide]
Beirut City official - talk to
North Beirut 에서
Observe Search [IMG16,Obtained info]

1. The first Sultan
Tughril Beg was the founder of the Seljuk dynasty as well as the first to become a sultan from a caliph. Seljuk was the name of the leader of the Turkish mercenaries and Tughril Beg is a descendant. This area used to be a part of their realm so you may find some artefacts if you look.

2. He who would be Sultan
Tughril Beg was apparently the first to received the title of sultan and the one who founded the Seljuk dynasty. He named the dynast after his ancestors. Beirut was once a part of the Seljuk dynasty so there may be something hidden in the outskirts.. Let's use "Observation" on suspicous looking places.
Quest Mediation Permit
Tughril Beg's Crown
Tughril Beg's Crown
발견시 경험치 430, 카드 경험치 107, 투그릴베그의 왕관
보고시 경험치 160, 명성 170, 의뢰 알선서 7 획득
- Discovery
Tughril Beg's Crown ★★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:473 Fame:200
Tughril Beg was the founder of the Turkish Seljuq Dynasty, and the first Sultan. This crown is said to have been given him upon his advancement from an Abbasid Caliph to a Sultan.
Under a tree, careful poisonous trap,13 dead, or all dead but 1.