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        An argument over beaks
        No Expiration
        Portobelo Adventurer's Guild
        Previously, you investigated a bird with an enormous beak, didn't you? We received another similar request from the same Barkeep in Maracaibo who was the client that time as well. Talk to them in person to hear all the details.
        •  Member
        • Language/Edit History

                          1. Maracaibo - Talk to Barkeep
                          2. Maracaibo - Talk to Merchant
                          3. Maracaibo - Talk to Seafarer
                          4. Maracaibo - Talk to Merchant
                          5. Maracaibo - Talk to Barkeep
                          6. Santo Domingo - Talk to Hunter twice (just east of the Bank)
                          7. Amazon River Upstream - Use Observe , Ecological Research east of the Diagonal Boulder (Southeast)

                          Cause of an argument 4 6 1 Collared Aracari
                          An argument over beaks

                          The two clowns 1 1

                          1. Another argument
                          Thanks for you help. Since then, those two have been discussing the Amazon without arguing. So far, at any rate. The other day a new argument broke out about the beak size of some bird. Could I ask you to go and listen to them.

                          2. A larger beak
                          Ah, it's you. Listen to this. He's talking total nonsense. You remember the bird you went to study, he says there is a bird with a beak even larger than that. Incredible.

                          3. That which exists, exists
                          The bird is there, whether you believe it or not. Twice the total size but the beak is even larger. There are some similarities, It appears to fly up and down in a wave. The reason why the bird can't fly properly must be its heavy beak.

                          4. Show me proof
                          Show us some proof if you're going to push it that far. Mere words may not be enough to convince. ...You agree with that?

                          5. Master huntsman of Santo Domingo
                          ...So we have a situation again. A hunter from Santo Domingo, who stopped by here, mentioned this. He may be able to provide you with more details. ...However, frequent study requests to settle arguments are amazing.

                          6. What kind of creature?
                          What about the bird with the large beak? ...Ah, that bird, I saw it up the Amazon. It was perched on a tree on the river bank, but just one look isn't enough to determine the details of the bird. Looking closely...

                          7. Enough to mistaken it
                          There was no mistaking that is was a bird with a giant beak. Since the beak was the same size as the bird's body, I tend to think I may have made a mistake. Yellow coloured with a black tip. There is a place to land up the Amazon, you can check there.

                          8. Investigation of the reason for an argument
                          Apparently, there's a bird with a beak as large as the size of the bird itself up the Amazon. Let's study this bird in the river upstream.

                          Quest Mediation Permit


                          의뢰 알선서 7장

                          발견 시 - 모험경험 620, 발견물 카드 획득 시 - 모험경험 155
                          보고 시 - 모험경험 270, 보고시 명성: 95(사냥꾼 기준)

                            • Discovery
                            • Toucan ★★★★ (Bird) Exp:744 Fame:310
                              This bird's large, yellow beak is its most prominent feature. Larger ones can be bigger than 15 cm, and can get food from the tips of branches that cannot support its weight.

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