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      Those Who Seek and Those Who Lead
      No Expiration
      London Adventurer's Guild
      What this note? 'Bring us a Honey Pancake! Hurry, pleeeese!' What the heck... Sounds like a request for the Merchant Guild. ...Oh, I see. It's a request from Tradescant. He should be in Oxford right now. Do you think you can do it?
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          [IMG:Quest_Chain] [IMG:21][QUEST:99994420] [IMG:22][QUEST:99990272] (Stockholm) / [QUEST:99990266] (Amsterdam) / [QUEST:99990287] (London) (Note: Land of the Legendary King is the beginning of the Atlantis story chain / unlocks access to the [DBLINK:88881813] Endless Dungeon on completion; Stockholm version is easiest to complete.) [IMG:23][QUEST:99990153] [IMG:24][QUEST:99990118] [IMG:25][QUEST:99990107] Completing those quests unlocks the following branches of the Atlantis chain: Tradescant/Adventure: [IMG:21]Those Who Seek and Those Who Lead (this quest; completion of quest unlocks Solar Barge Imperial Quest from your nation's Secretary if it hasn't been unlocked through other quests) [IMG:22][QUEST:99990032] (also requires [DBLINK:70002764] discovery) [IMG:23][QUEST:99990031] [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1. [ZONE:90005999] - Talk to Tradescant near northeast Carriage *need 1x [DBLINK:01505051] -- you can use Quest Clue or buy a drink at the cafe outside Oxford College Lecture Hall to teleport directly to him and Justine; Honey Pancakes are sold in Tunis at the rest house clerk or sometimes in company shops. 2. [ZONE:90005999] - Talk to Tradescant 3. [ZONE:90005999] College - Talk to Tradescant 4. [ZONE:90005173] - Talk to Tradescant just beside Carriage 5. [ZONE:90006000] - Talk to Charioteer near Tavern 6. [ZONE:90005173] - Talk to tradescant near Port Official 7. [ZONE:90005999] College - Use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000020] behind the Professor (to the Professor's LEFT, back against the wall) Rewards: [DBLINK:01503029] (on discovery), [DBLINK:01500262] (on reporting quest to Mediator)

            • Discovery
            • Mystery of Atlantis 0 (0) Exp:0 Fame:0
              A book compiled by John Tradescant as part of the research of Atlantis. It sets forth his interpretation of the disappearance of Atlantis as well as the history of ancient Egypt and ancient Greek, in a logical manner.

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