Creature that remains hidden
No Expiration
Portobelo Adventurer's Guild
You've made an investigative report about a cat-like animal in Europe, haven't you? In that case, I'd like to present this next job to you. There's rumour about a cat-like animal prowling through the forest here after nightfall. For more details, talk to the Barkeep in this town who's the source of the rumour.



1.[ZONE:90005702] - Talk to Barkeep
2.[ZONE:90005734] - Talk to Gate Keeper
3.[ZONE:90005734] - Talk to City Official (x2)
5.[ZONE:90001070] - Click on Pointed Boulder
※ Does not need Mayan language
6.[ZONE:90001070] - Use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000010] near Pointed Boulder
[IMG:23] Creature that remains hidden
[IMG:01] A cat you can't see around here
I heard about that cat from the gatekeeper of Merida. He's seen this cat-like animal walking afar while walking outside the gates in the night. No one has seen such an animal in these parts. Please talk to the gatekeeper of Merida.
[IMG:01] An animal seen at night
The animal I saw outside the gates.... You mean the cat-like animal I saw? Since it was dark I don't know the details. But when I mentioned this to the town official, he said he will look into this carefully.
[IMG:01] Rarely shows itself
The cat-like animal that the gatekeeper saw? We had an independent inquiry into that but there was no trace of it. To the extent that one might question the existence of any such animal. We found just one clue to its existence.
[IMG:01] Proof of existence
A dunghill of an animal at the place where the gatekeeper says he saw the animal. As it was a hill, the animal may have the habit of relieving itself at the same place. It's near the pointed rocks outside the town gates.
[IMG:03] Following the tracks
As the town official mentioned, we found droppings from the same animal near the pointed rocks. The foodprints are headed to the east. It may be possible to discover the cat-like animal by following these.
[IMG:06] Investigation of animal that hides itself
The footprints from the dunghill of the animal are the clue. Let's study the animal heading east from the pointed rocks outside the gates of Merida.