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              Better to Ask the Way than to Go Astray
              No Expiration
              Venice Adventurer's Guild
              The fact that people have been traveling to India and China through the seas is not something that's recent. For example, apparently there were already trades made with India during the ancient Roman era. We've received a request for information in regards to that. Please make a trip to Sagres.
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                            1-2. Sagres - Talk to Student (fat one; NW of Church)
                            3-4. Sagres - Talk to Teacher (south from Student)
                            5-6. Lisbon Archives - Talk to Scholar
                            7. Sagres Mansion - Search Henrique's desk

                            Literature Research 4 6 1

                            At a Certain Lecture
                            You're a life saver! I heard from the teacher during a lecture at the Training School. 'During the ancient Roman era, trades with India were done by crossing the Red Sea as opposed to over land. There are records of this.' And so, I was thinking of going to read those records for myself...

                            Mistake and Embarrassment
                            If I recall, the information was in a book titled the 'Red Sea Guide', but I completely forgot where I would be able to find the book... As it would be quite embarrassing if I were to go back now and ask the teacher about it again, do you mind asking about it for me instead?

                            Not Asking Himself
                            Jeez. If he felt embarrassed, he should have come and asked himself. How troublesome... In regards to the 'records', it was written by a Greek person who lived in Egypt during the Roman period. It is said that the book was written for trade merchants sailing around in the Indian Ocean by making use of the seasonal wind.

                            Also, he said that the name of the records was 'Red Sea Guide,' but that is clearly a mistake.
                            Perhaps it was due to the fact that the word, 'Erythraean,' which is found in its book title, means 'red' in Greek that he would make such a mistake...
                            That's right, perhaps a Scholar in Lisbon would be able to help with that.

                            Range Suggested by Name
                            Oh, you're referring to that book. During the Roman era, the 'Red Sea' is not the Red Sea that we know of now; it included the areas such as the Persian Sea, the Gulf of Oman, the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, as well as the Bay of Bengal. The records included information of that time regarding things on the routes within the area, such as ports, trade goods, and the specialty products at various locations.

                            More Information
                            Also, though apparently the author did not go there themselves, the records also included information regarding Southeast Asia as well as China. The book was donated to the Training School and should have been sent to the mansion in Sagres so I think you'll be able to read it there.

                            Greek Voyaging Records
                            You've obtained information from a Scholar in Lisbon regarding voyaging records from the ancient Roman era. That book was donated to the Training School in Sagres. As it should be in the mansion, let's go and investigate. If there's something that you don't understand, it's probably to find out directly yourself...

                            Periplus of the Erythraean Sea

                              • Discovery
                              • Periplus of the Erythraean Sea 0 (0) Exp:0 Fame:0
                                Records written by a Greek voyager in the 1st century in Egypt which then was a province of the Roman Empire.
                                The records were written for traders involved in the trades between Egypt and India, and the Far East, China, is also introduced as an area for the production of silk in them.

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