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- Rewards
- Required
Investigation at the West of Plymouth
No Expiration
Sagres Adventurer's Guild



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- Language/Edit History
선행 발견/퀘스트 [퀘스트] 모험 | 초급 모험가과정 수료 검정 시험 (1 생태 조사 1) - 사그레스
1. [ZONE:90005281]. [ZONE:90005281] 항구관리와 대화
/Discovery Exp/ 20, /Card Exp/ 10,
/Exp After report/ 140, /Fame/ 130
의뢰 알선서 2
[DBLINK:01500232] 2
- Discovery
Cape Land's End ★ (Geography) Exp:20 Fame:10
A headland on the southwest of Britain. When at the tip of this long and narrow promontory, all you see in front of you is the rolling sea without land in sight. This is probably where it gets its name.