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      Animal Friends
      No Expiration
      Lisbon Adventurer's Guild
      You know how when livestock such as horses and cows have bugs on them, they flick them away with their tail, right?
      However, apparently in Africa, there's a little bird which sits on animals' heads and body. but isn't brushed away. A request from a certain scholar has come, asking that you investigate for them why the animals don't brush there birds off. Please start looking for information in Sofala!
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          Dance of the earth 5 7 1 African Buffalo
          Roaring Thunder 8 10 1 Mosi-oa-Tunya

          1. Sofala - Talk to Maiden (next to Port Square)
          2. Sofala - Talk to Local Youth (2x) (in front of Mosque)
          3. Zambezi River Midstream - Use Observe and Ecological Research near the Table Boulder in the northwest


          A Bird that is Friendly with Animals
          Oh, I've seen that bird! It sits on the back of water buffalo and hippos like they are good friends! It's so nice that animals of different species can get along. Oh, you want to know more details? Hm, one of the young men may have seen them while hunting?

          Mutual Benefits
          What, you want to ask me about a bird that sits on animals' backs like they're friends? They have a give-and-take relationship, you see. The birds eat the bug pests that nest in the animals' skin, and even help groom their hair. In exchange, the animals let them rest on their back.

          Recommended Observation Spot
          You only listened to me talk, so that's not enough for an investigation, is it? In that case, there's a place where those animals and birds often appear. Land just South-Southwest from here and head inland. Use the table rock as a landmark.

            • Discovery
            • Oxpecker 0 (0) Exp:0 Fame:0
              A small bird that lives in Africa, to the South of the Sahara. Possibly because they eat the parasites that live on mammals' skin, large animals let them sit on their back, or even head.

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