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      What a Merchant Connects
      No Expiration
      Hangzhou Merchant's Guild
      I got another message addressed to you, 'We are ready for departure. Meet at the landing point south of Hangzhou.' I don't know what the client wants from you, but it doesn't sound very safe... Good luck!
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                Atlantis: Main Chain (accessible to all; required to unlock access to Atlantis + certain Adventure/Merchant/Maritime specific Atlantis quests)

                Legend of the Labyrinthos 6 8 4 Knossos Palace
                Land of the Legendary King 1 1 1 Cretan Pottery
                Egypt and Atlantis 1
                A Chance Meeting on the Sea of Atlas 1 1
                Aspiring a Pure World 1

                Atlantis: Merchant Quest Chain

                A Certain Merchant's Misgivings 1 (also required: Land of the Legendary King)
                A Lord and a Merchant 1 (also required: Aspiring a Pure World)
                Complete all 3 Solar Barge Imperial Quests (or use Secret Edict Completion Report to skip quests) and enter/discover
                There Is No Time Like the Present 1
                What a Merchant Connects (this quest)

                Quest Reward: Laurel Crown of Prayers (given on report of completed quest)

                1. China Southeast Coast -- Talk to Alvero (or one of the East Asian nobles)
                2-4. Acropolis of Atlantis -- Talk to Yi Sun-sin (near the Harbor port official), Qin Liangyu (base of the Temple of Poseidon staircase) and Koxinga (eastern bridge); consult mini-map for gold icons indicating their locations. They may be spoken to in any order.
                5. Acropolis of Atlantis -- Talk to Date Masamune or Alvero (near Atlantis Storekeeper)
                6. Acropolis of Atlantis -- Talk to Alvero (near the entrance of the Temple of Poseidon)
                7. Acropolis of Atlantis -- Talk to Alvero (or one of the East Asian nobles) (near the Atlantis Storekeeper)

                Quest Complete.

                ***Important Note: this is a one-time quest and can only be repeated if a player who hasn't completed it is fleet admiral and pulls/accepts it. Additionally, this quest can be accepted but CANNOT be completed if Atlantis is missing from the server.***

                You reunited with Alvero, Data Masamune, Yi Sun-sin, Qin Liangyu and Koxinga. It's finally time to head to Atlantis with everyone. Although, Alvero still seems to be questioning his purpose...

                What Qin Liangyu Learned
                You talked to Qin Liangyu who finally landed on Atlantis. She seems to be impressed with the fact that some people of Atlantis still show great curiosity about the outer world even though the whole city is detached from the rest of the world. Let's go talk to the others too.

                What Yi Sun-sin Learned
                You talked to Yi Sun-sin who finally landed on Atlantis. It seems the people of Atlantis don't seem to have any militaqry force that enables them to invade other countries, nor do they have the intentions to do so. They seem to be protecting the city by being detached from the rest of the world. Yi Sun-sin feels uneasy about this. Let's go talk to the others too.

                What Koxinga Learned
                You talked to Koxinga who finally landed on Atlantis. It seems that he is unable to hide his enthusiasm about the unknown technologies of Atlantis. However at the same time, he knows it's important to make steady efforts to obtain people's understanding before trying to adopt foreign technologies in his own country. Let's go talk to the others too.

                Passing each other
                Data Masamune sees business opportunity in Atlantean artifacts. However, Alvero feels what Masamune is trying to do is nothing more than looting. Masamune tried to teach Alvero a lesson of how a merchant should be, but Alvero turned his back and walked away towards the temple. Let's go after him to see how he is doing.

                The Basics of Business
                Alvero gave in to despair after talking to Date Masamune, and walked away. But after talking to a local girl, it seemed that Alvero was given opportunity to reconsider the meaning of being a merchant, and to learn of Masamune's true intentions. Let's gather at the square.

                Farewell to this Land
                Alvero and the lords decided to stay in Acropolis a little longer to continue their tour of Atlantis. Alvero seems to have no problems with taking care of the lords for their voyage home. Let's put end to this journey and return to your own journey as a voyager.

                What a Merchant Connects
                The voyage to Acropolis was meaningful for each one of the members. Especially Alvero, he seemed to have learned something important and is close to becoming a full-fledged merchant. Let's report back to the Guild to wrap up the journey.

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