One of two Endless Dungeons found in the game, only accessible from the
Acropolis of Atlantis port, which itself requires a series of steps to locate beginning with
Legend of the Labyrinthos. Expedition Ship Boarding Tickets cannot be used to reach this dungeon under any circumstances, and Atlantis isn't always in the game, meaning your window of opportunity to visit here is limited.
The word 'Endless' isn't just for show -- there are no limits to the floors you can run, or at least none that anyone could likely encounter (999 floor limit? I wonder...), but stamina drops every so often and cannot be recovered with household meds, nor can fallen party members be revived with analeptics. To advance to the next floor (and the next, and the next, and...) you must either solve puzzle torches or beat up enemies relative to the number of people in your fleet. The stamina loss timer freezes while in battle, so guess which one is a better idea in the long run?
Your progress is saved every 10 floors, and you can resume from the next floor after that up to three times (exit on floor 10 after clearing it, start again from floor 11). You'll return to the 1st floor after using up all three continues. However, if your entire party is wiped out, all remaining continues are lost anyway, and it's back to the start for you. Fun.
The following can be looted from treasure chests in the dungeon:
Trade Goods: Mandrake, Rare books
Steel, Stone, Marble, Tin Ore, White Ore
Stone Sculpture, Marble Statue, Eye-beads, Gold Thread, Silverware, Goldwork, Coral Work, Glasswork, Fur, Silk Thread, Velvet
Gold, Silver, Gold Dust, Platinum, Crystal, Coral, Peridot, Jade, Garnet, Emerald, Opal, Pearl, Diamond, Sapphire, Cat's Eye
Note that some goods may show up more than others, or only in special circumstances. I never got Rare books outside of the Punishment hidden passage (room of enemies) as an example.
Normal Floor:
Fine ruby, Pure iron sheet, Fine dye, Orichalcum (incredibly low probability of this dropping, though)
Hidden room:
Exquisite ruby, Pure iron sheet metal, Asclepius' elixir
Punishment room:
Ancient Defense Stratagem, Ancient Attack Stratagem, Tonic, Spider oil, Asclepius' Medicated Bath
Equipment: (note that most of these only appear from treasure rooms/'something flashed' hidden passageway chests, and are pretty rare at that)
Rose Gold Headdress
Warrior Sandals
Crown of Sacred Tree
Terra Amina -- unlike the others, this can only be produced in a hidden passage room with a stamina restoring statue; said statue also contains the recipe. Required skill rank/ingredients listed on its page.
If you activate the
Between Myth and Reality Treasure Hunt theme before entering the dungeon (available after you've discovered Atlantis, and only selectable while it's around in-server) then the above loot table shifts as follows.
Trade goods: Gold, Crystal, Ivory, Diamonds, Emerald
Consumables: Exquisite dye
Coat of the Nemean Lion -- see page for further details.
Equipment: No equipment beyond the Terra Amina recipe can be found while the TH is active, so be mindful of that. Boss drops are unaffected, though they only drop one piece of equipment rarely anyway.
Puzzles: Two types of torches are present which can be used to advance without fighting enemies. Blue shows you a region of the world and you must select an appropriate discovery from that area to activate the torch, while white is incredibly annoying and nobody probably ever does them 'cause ewww, math.
But if you like torturing yourselves on purpose: examine the white torch to see a clock-face style image, then use green torches to make the hour hand "sun" icon move to the 12:00 position in exactly 5 moves. Example: If the first white flame was 12 o'clock and there were green flame torches with 8 and 6 values, then you would activate the 8 flame 3 times, the 6 flame 2 times, or 12 + 8 × 3 + 6 × 2 = 48. In other words, it is sufficient if it is multiplied by 12 when finishing five times. And I totally copy/pasted that example from the J-Wiki. Just saying.
However, note that Search/Recogition skills are needed at a certain level, or else the torches may not activate properly even if you did the math right, and then you'll have to fight enemies to move on anyway. See? Everything you were taught was wrong; violence really is the answer. Speaking of which...
NPC levels are as low as 15, and as high as 50. The deeper into the dungeon you go, the more likely you are to see higher level NPCs, though breather ones can still show up even as deep as 100+ floors. They mainly favor use of swords/spears/axes/bows; if attacked by more than one at a time, some will change to throwing knives. In addition, some are rare to encounter, and therefore should be treated like mini-bosses as they tend to have high levels, can chain techs more easily, and drop rare alchemy seals (JP server had better drops for 'em, but this was nerfed for Maris, as it was for GAMA before it).
Like any good dungeon, there are bosses and they like to work in teams. Every ten floors, you have a chance of encountering the ???? enemies, or guardians of the temple (according to the Terra Amina description). They can drop:
Bowl of Hygieia (floor 10-40 version)
Kairos' Talisman (floor 40-50+ version; also the hidden passage variant)
Godly Bracelet (floor 60+ version; also the hidden passage variant)
As you'd expect, the guardians are quite powerful, having high health points, strong offense/defense boosting abilities, and they often work well together by chaining techs. If you use weapon techs, they will almost certainly counter them. They are vulnerable to status ailments, but don't take them too lightly; the floor 60+ group and the hidden passage versions are among the toughest in the game, in that order.
All boss rooms contain a locked treasure chest, and all non-hidden passage boss rooms also contain a blue flame puzzle torch. Solve the puzzle by clicking the correct discovery picture associated with its description (the latter of which will not be 100% readable if you've not found the discovery before now), and the bosses leave you alone so you can continue deeper into the dungeon, but the chest will remain locked... but if you defeat the guardians, then the chest unlocks and one or more of your party may obtain a piece of
Orichalcum to be used in transmutation alchemy.
And that's that. You have a bare-bones idea of what to expect now, so have fun finding out the rest when you do finally get here. Alas, Atlantis' time grows short, and soon it shall vanish from Maris server altogether. But perhaps it'll be like the JP server and return from time to time, albeit only for a month in each instance. Here's hoping. May this info serve you well. Cheers.
Guilder, it's good to have your walls back. Thanks for all your effort.
Belated thanks, though I'm hardly the only contributor here. And since this link which recently surfaced will disappear from the front page soon... For a more complete guide to Atlantis, visit here:
It covers things my above mini-guide did, and many things which it did not. Cheers, and great Atlantean adventuring to you.
As pointed out in, the black guardians (hidden passage) often has at least one of them having much higher atk than the rest, thus more dangerous to deal with. Below is my experience from running Atlantis for a week (xmas event), getting to around floors 70-80+
Going by HP counts of 4800, 6240, 14400, the 14400s are harmless (just having high HP, while 4800 is usually the hard-hitting one (again, there may be more than one, so check carefully). If both 4800 and 6240 are in the group, 6240 is usually hard-hitting, while 4800 can be harmless. The high-atk 6240 also deals more dmg than the high-atk 4800 - expect to get 100+ dmg even with 540 def, double with crit(!) - so it is pretty much a hopeless fight if your stamina is too low to even take 2 or 3 normal hits and no means of total evasion.
There is a rare chance of getting 4 x 14400s (so just a longer fight but not dangerous), I only saw this once.
Once a guardian goes down, the remaining ones get atk/def buff for around 2 minutes, so if you have been targeting the wrong guardian, that high-atk 6240 just got even more dangerous.. Solution: continue to run around, stay away from guardians and wait for the buff to wear off.
A saving grace is that you get an extra Supplies (or chance) to continue the run, for every guardian fight won (both normal and hidden passage), up to a maximum of 5 at any one time (i.e. if you are already at 5 and won another fight, it won't go to 6).
According to several players, a new enemy has been added to this dungeon: Grave Robber. They are surrounded by a flaming circle and have no "Lv" marker next to their name. I didn't see them during Atlantis' recent campaign but they are reportedly very strong, so exercise caution.