Has White ore in abundance, Rocks, Boulders, Logs, and cranberries with collection. When you land, go right, and keep going right till you find a big boulder. It's not very far.
The Tabernacos company has a colony 3rd landing down, on the north side of that river mouth. There is also a company with a colony at the top, which is much closer, but I forget their name.

It have a lot of Berrys too in Procurement in that stacked boulder.. easy to find, just always go left.
NPC Weapon & Trap Techs
SPEAR - Spear based Weapon equipped to acquire TECHS by color.
Thief Lv37 HP(400) (Exchange 1
* Spear Throw R1(R)
** New Spear Throw R2(R) (SP R8, Power R8, (Spear Throw acquired))
*** Oberschnitt R3(R)(SP R11-SM R8-Power R19(New Spear Throw acquired)
* Chain Thrust R1(B)
*** Wild Thrust R3(B)(SP R7-SM R6-Quick R14(Triple Thrust acquired))
AXE - Axe based weapon equipped to acquire TECHS. Listed by color.
Fallen Colonist Lv40 HP(430)
* Bring Down R1(R)
** Strike Down R2(R) (SP R5, Power R4, (Bring Down acquired))
*** Fierce Blow R3(R) (SP R8, SM R6, (Strike Down acquired))
** Triple Swing R2(B) (SP R7 ,Quick R6 (Chain Swing Acquired))
GUN -- Gun based weapon equipped to acquire TECHS. Listed by color.
Regional Pirate Lv40(430)
* Charge Short R1(R)
** New Charge Shot R2(R) GF R6, Power R8 (Charge Shot acquired)
*** Snipe R3(R) (GF R9, Snipe R3 Power R22 (New Charge Shot acquired)
**** New Snipe R4(R) (GF R12, Snipe R11, Power R37 (Snipe acquired)
* Sure Shot R1(Y)
* Sure Shot R1(Y)
BOW -- Bow based weapon equipped to acquired TECHS. Listed by color.
Bandits Lv35 HP(380) (Exchange 1)
** New Charge & Release R2(R)(Snipe R5-Power R5(Charge&Release acq'ed)
* Chain Arrow R1(B)
** Triple Arrow(B) (Snipe R6, Quick R7(Chain Arrow acquired))
*** Rapid Arrow R3(B) (Snipe R8, Quick R17, (Triple Arrow acquired))
* Trick Arrow R1*(Y) (Snipe R2, Feint R3, (Sure Arrow acquired))
SP = Sword play. SM= Sword Mastery, GF = Gunfire, (R) = Red, (B) =Blue, (Y) = Yellow
R = Rank or Skill Level, = Random Item Drop. (Exchange) NPC same spot)
***** = The weap0n Tech Level.
Search r11 used.
Stacked boulders - Bottom Left
-- Rocks, Famous explorer's notes, Hunter's spear, Dull cutlass
lone pine - center left
-- Rocks & more Rocks.
Campsite - Top right
-- Rocks, Dull cutlass, Famous explorer's notes, Traveler's notes, Hunter's spear
Large Boulder- Center
-- Rocks, Famous explorer's notes, Dull cutlass, SWMP, Hunter's spear, Traveller's notes
Pet with Area Search finds: Peeled seeds, Special Sail Paint 3, MonkShood Anaesthetic, Carillon Bells.
Procurement: Exotic Fruit, Rocks, Berries, Mushrooms.
In 2020, user "Lush_" said that:
"There are 3 stone points in Newfoundland north coast landing point and, by my experiments, those are the % of white ore collection in each of then (R11 Collection + Oxford skills)
Diagonal boulder (North) - 9,93%
Large Boulder (Center) - 24,36%
Stacked Boulders (South) - 26,48%
Also, % of Cramberries are more or less half of White Ore in each of then"
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