Search r11, 1 hour each location.
Stacked Boulders - Top
-- Common grass, Hunters spear, Dull cutlass, Dull longsword, SWMP, Rusty short sword.
Swamp - Middle top
-- Common grass, Dull cutlass, Hunter's spear, Rusty short sword, Dull longsword, Wood spear
Stacked Boulders - Center
-- Common grass, Dull longsword, Rusty short sword, Dull cutlass, Hunter's spear
Table Boulder - Bottom right
--Common grass,
NPC Weapon & Trap Techs
SWORD - Sword based Weapon equipped to acquired TECHS by color.
* Chain Slash R1(B)
*** Wild Slash R3(B)(SP R9, SM R7, Quick R20 (Triple Slash acquired))
**** Schielhau R4(B) (SP R12, SM R10, Quick R33 (Quad Swing acquired)
* Lifting Slash R1(Y)
*** New Lifting Slash R2(Y)(SP R3-Feint R10-(Lifting Slash acquired))
BOW - Bow based weapon equipped to acquired TECHS. Listed by color.
Baccania Lv36 HP(250) (Exchange 1)
* Charge & Release R1(R)
** New Charge & Release R2(R)(Snipe R5,Power R5(Charge&Release acq'ed)
** Triple Arrow(B) (Snipe R6, Quick R7(Chain Arrow acquired))
*** Charge Arrow R3(R)(Snipe R7, Power R10(New Charge&Release acq'ed))
* Sure Arrow R1(Y)
Sierra Madre Bandit Lv38 (Exchange 1) SWORD
* Ankle Snare R1 (Trap Skill R1)
* Barrel Drop R1 (Trap Skill R1)
** Poison Dart Trap R2 (Trap R4, (Dart Trap Acquired)
** Wasp Call R2 (Trap R4, Biology R6)
SP = Sword play. SM= Sword Mastery, GF = Gunfire
(R) = Red, (B) =Blue, (Y) = Yellow
R = Rank or Skill, = Random Item Drop. (Exchange)NPC same spot)
***** = The weapon Tech Level.
The best place to collect sisal seems to be the stacked boulders at the center.
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