Search R9+4 at Giant Dead Tree - Rusted Estoc, Riding Boots
SEARCH skill r11 1 hour each location.
Stacked Boulders - Top right
-- Common grass, Rocks,
Giant Dead Tree - Bottom Left
-- Common grass, rocks
Stacked Boulders - Center
-- Common grass, Rocks, Surcoat, Dull longsword, Riding Boots, Expert fisherman's gear, Rusted estoc, Aventurer's notes
Large Boulder - Middle Left
--Common grass, rocks,
NPC Weapon & Trap Techs
GUN -- Gun based weapon equipped to acquire TECHS. Listed by color.
Bounty Lv15 HP(120)
-- Sure Shot R1(Y)
-- Trick Shot R1*(Y) (GF R3, Feint R8, (Sure Shot acquired))
AXE - Axe based weapon equipped to acquire TECHS. Listed by color.
Viking Lv15 HP(120)
-- Bring Down R1(R)
-- Strike Down R2(R) (SP R5, Power R4, (Bring Down acquired)
-- Triple Swing R2(B) (SP R7 ,Quick R6 (Chain Swing Acquired))
SP = Sword play. SM= Sword Mastery, GF = Gunfire, (R) = Red, (B) =Blue, (Y) = Yellow
R = Rank or Skill Level, = Random Item Drop. (Exchange) NPC same spot)
-- Trick Axe R1*(Y) (SP R3, Feint R4 (Drop Down acquired)) (Causes RAGE)
To bring this up to date...
You can collect Chrome Ore which is need it for most industrial productions. For this I assume you need about R14+ collect in order to obtain it. The rate is about 135~185 per hour with field activity 1 + 2.
Kind Regards,
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