NPCs of the quest of Swordmaster are near the Ruins.

Confirmed. Sonia info is correct

Collection r5 Ruins: Senna, Vegetable Oil, Common Grass, Logs, Oreganno.
Search r16 Ruins: Rusty short sword, Dull longsword, Linen Petticoat, Rusted estoc.
NPC Tech usage
Bow User Defeated Soldier Lv1 (45 life points)
Sure Arrow R1 (No requirements ... (Bow Equipped.))
Chain Arrow R1 (No requirements ... (Bow Equipped.))
Charge & Release R1 (No requirements ... (Bow Equipped.))
Poison Arrow R3*, (Snipe R8, Power R18, (Charge Arrow acquired.))
AXE user England Bandit Lv2 (50 Life Points)
Chain Swing R1(B) (No requirements ... (Bow Equipped.))
Trick Axe* R1(Y) (SwordplayR1, Feint R4 (Drop Down Acquired.))
Strike Down R2(R) (SP R5, Power R4, (Bring Down Acquired.))
Big Drop Down R2(Y) (SP R9, Feint R8, (Drop Down acquired.))
SWORD users
Highlander Lv5 (65 life points)
TRAPS, Dart Trap, (Trap Skill R1)
Swordfighter (540 Life Points) QUEST The pride of the swordfighter.
Sweeping Slash R1(R) (No requirements ... (Sword Equipped.))
Lifting Slash R1(Y) No Requirements, (Sword Equipped).
New Lifting Slash R2(Y) (SP R6, Feint R10,(Lifting Slash acquired))
Triple Slash R2(B) (SP R6, Quick R8, (Chain Slash acquired))
Wild Slash R3(B) (SP R9, SM R7, Quick R20(Triple Slash Acquired)
GUN Users
Grampian Bandit Lv5 (? Life Points... not much..
Charge Shot R1 (R)(No requirements ... (Gun Equipped.))
Trick Shot R1*(Y) (GF R3, Feint R8 (Sure Shot acquired))
Prairie Native Lv8, (Life Points 80)
Charge Shot R1 (R) (No requirements ... (Gun Equipped.))
Trick Shot R1*(Y) (GF R3, Feint R8 (Sure Shot acquired))
(R) = Red, (B) = Blue, (Y) = Yellow, R = Rank, or skill level
Discovered Halo (weather/Phenomenon) using recognition r10. near ruins
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