8 star shipwreck in these waters:
Name: East India Trade Ship
Location: 1258,6115
Loot: High quality rigging, 76 Rhinoceros Horn, 165 Indian Madder, 67 Turqoise, 114 Diamonds

8 star shipwreck in these waters:
Name: East India Trade Ship
Location: 1150, 6254
Loot: Lead Shell, 8 shipwreck map pieces, 184 gold, 50 diamonds, 60 goldwork, 88 shrimp
A notice: this shipwreck (the 8-star one mentioned above) showed to me as one of those all-blank maps, which we probably all love. It came out to be around [1400, 6300].
AliBayan that happened to me once though it was in a different location. I got the same type of 8* SW with a all [seemingly] blank map. I spent nearly the whole day searching for that damn wreck, sailing all over the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific oceans looking for it. Turned out it was in the middle of the triangle islands of Sao Tome, Ascension, and Saint Helena, the islands themselves hardly showing on the map. My reward; East India Trade Ship filled with Shrimp, Tuna, Diamonds, and easily gotten FS parts... Thats what I hate about SWs. They dont give any better rewards weather its a few feet away from a port, or out in the middle of nowhere.
There happen to be few cases as such. Colleagues told me, that a blankie often also means an area around Azores, sometimes Pacific.
As for the shipwrecks' worth in general, I think it is a fun aspect of the game; a bit niche these days.
Though indeed it's like you're saying, no matter how hard to find, to pull out, how many stars it has, you can always end up with a bunch of shrimps and clams from it.
And when right after sailing the whole world for this shipwreck, I pulled another blank map yesterday, it's definitely a sign to take a break from this.
area search (sea) gets you here afternoon tea set
shipwreck 8*, East India Trade Ship
1254/6093, right west from the landing point
66 tuna, 89 shrimp, 81 indian madder, 68 rhinoceros horn, 95 shrimp, 76 crab, money chest
npc 53, 53, 48
The ship is a large carrack
shipwreck 6*, East India Trade Ship
1488/6035, south of Natal
23 vintage of covenant, 69 tuna, 65 gold, 56 gold, 59 platinum
npc 31, 23, 23
The ship is a caravel
shipwreck 8*, East India Trade Ship
1135/6103, near the coast slightly nearer from the landing point than Cape Town
64 tuna, 89 shrimp, 54 diamond, 74 rhinoceros horn, 8 tuna, 66 pearl, casting net
npc 53, 53, 48
The ship is a large carrack
shipwreck 8*, east india trade ship
1398/6095, East from africa south coast
61 gold, 71 gold, 6 tuna, 66 gold, 87 indian madder, 64 diamond, medium gaff sail
npc 53, 53, 48
The ship is a big trading carrack
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