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  • Baltic Sea
    Baltic Sea
    Baltic Sea
    Baltic Sea

Shipwreck Route Map 2 4
Shipwreck Route Map 7 12
Shipwreck Route Map 1 3
Shipwreck Route Map 1 9
Island of the Gods in the Baltic Sea 1 2 1 The Island of Gotland
The frozen sea 1 2 The Gulf of Bothnia
Pirates of the Baltic Sea 1
Blockade at Riga
Plunderers at the Aland archipelago 1
Counterattack on the Baltic pirates 1 1 10 5
Island of the Gods in the Baltic Sea 1 2 1 The Island of Gotland
The frozen sea 1 2 The Gulf of Bothnia
Pirates of the Baltic Sea 1
Blockade at Riga
Plunderers at the Aland archipelago 1
Counterattack on the Baltic pirates 1 1 10 5
Pirates at the Entrance to Riga Bay
Looters of Gotland 1
The Victorious warriors 1
Unsetting Premontions 6
The Trials of the Beginner 2
Blockade at the bay of Finland 1 1
(G.T.)Directive attack merchant fleet 1
(G.T.)Boast of pirates 1
(G.T.)Outline history instruction mineral carrier
Threat from the Northeast
(G.T.)The keeper of the Hyumado 1
The frozen sea 1 2 The Gulf of Bothnia
Investigation of bay in the Baltic Sea 1 2 1 The Gulf of Finland
Pirates of the Baltic Sea 1
The frozen sea 1 2 The Gulf of Bothnia
Investigation of bay in the Baltic Sea 1 2 1 The Gulf of Finland
Land of Coronation 1 6 8 1 Gamla Uppsala
Land of Coronation 1 6 8 1 Gamla Uppsala
Land of Coronation 1 6 8 1 Gamla Uppsala
Battle Reports from the Baltic Sea
Battle Reports from the Baltic Sea
Goddess of the Ecliptic 3 5 1 Virgo 1
Goddess of the Ecliptic 3 5 1 Virgo 1
Goddess of the Ecliptic 3 5 1 Virgo 1
Goddess of the Ecliptic 3 5 1 Virgo 1
The Sextant of the Night Sky 6 8 1 Sextans 2
The Sextant of the Night Sky 6 8 1 Sextans 2

shipwreck 9*, Russian Royal Ship

1101/1972, in the path to St Petersburg at its narrowest point

4 saraswati's touch, 78 pearl, 20 LCCT, 47 platinum, journal of a ship's surgeon

npc 53, 53, 48

The ship is a large galleon

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