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  • Between Myth and Reality
    Some of the myths can be derived from historical reality.
    It might sound ridiculous,
    but you never know what you may discover.

Treasure Hunt theme. It becomes available after you've discovered the Acropolis of Atlantis and which can only be begun/completed while Atlantis is in the server. Yields:

The Treasure in the Temple of Poseidon (discovery)
Coat of the Nemean Lion (consumable; used in a recipe listed on its page)

Skill requirements: R11 Search R13 Theology R9 Archaeology

You really only need R9 Archaeology to accept the Relic Quest; it is possible to fleet with others who have Search/Theology ranks if you lack them in order to finish this Treasure Hunt.

To find the relic, you must enter the Temple of Poseidon endless dungeon in the Acropolis of Atlantis and descend down to about floor 20 or so. When you find a special passage option which mentions having an air of magnificence, choose to enter the special hidden passage. Click on the large object in the center of the room and your relic quest is complete.

When Atlantis departs the server, this theme can no longer be accessed until its return. You can hold onto it and continue gathering clues, but they'll be unusable without Atlantis and if you discard the theme, it's gone until Atlantis returns. Though I suppose I'm the only one stubborn enough to have done that all these months, I felt it worth mentioning those facts all the same.


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