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  • The Ancient Reflector
    It is said that the reflector placed on the top of the Lighthouse of Alexandria was able to direct light to ships far away on seas by gathering and reflecting sunlight.

The Ancient Reflector -- 5th and final relic of the Legend Regarding an Old Map Treasure Hunt theme's 1st relic route. It can only be discovered in the Sea of Wonders off Alexandria, and requires:

Archaeology R13
Recognition R11
Arabic language (skill or aide required)

Note that you must enter the Sea of Wonders and clear the entire SoW in order to find this relic. If you don't have a full fleet, race as fast as you can for the exit star each time, and pray you not encounter the Labyrinth maze map on level 3.

Also, keep in mind Alnr's warning: "The final relic is located in 4th/Final section of Sea of Wonders, where you can't use translation notes and whatever. So it is likely that you must have that language skill. You can use aide's language skill however, i'm not sure it can be leeched by your fleet members, especially on Sea of Wonders."

Note that this TH does not drop a special item like most THs tend to do. Shame. Cheers, and happy relic hunting to you.

Source: gvdb.mydns.jp/db/module/QuestDB/action/QuestShow?id=6355
Credit to: MissBehaving for the relic name.

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