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  • Bartholomew Roberts
    Bartholomew Roberts.
    A pirate active all across the Atlantic Ocean, he is known as a great pirate who captured more than 400 ships. He is said to be the greatest pirate during the Golden Age of Piracy. He set out a strict pirate code and, with that, formed a large fleet with great command.

Previous Ganador: Jang Bogo

Victory unlocks the recipe for: Black Bart's Pirate Code
(recipe is at Inspector until you defeat another Grande Ganador or until you craft it once; item for Sea Conquerors' Secret Treasure (No.4) Memorial Album)

James Skyrme (immediately northwest of Jamaica)
Thomas Sutton (north of Grand Cayman)
Walter Kennedy (Off Havana)
Thomas Anstis (Near Nassau)

Clear the above foes, and good ol' Black Bart appears north of Santiago. Arrrrrr.

Special Battle Conditions: Mid-boss and Boss battles feature a Lightning trap -- any players who sail too close to the edge of the battlefield will suffer periodic damage over time; Repair skill cannot be used until they sail out of the trap zone.

Drop List:
Great Pyrate Pistol (item for Sea Conquerors' Secret Treasure (No.4) MA)
Celestial Globe Anchor (ship decoration)
Deep Blue Sea's Logbook 1-4
Sailor's Forging Box (unconfirmed for Maris)
Cannonsmith's Forging Tools
Legendary Craftsman's Carpentry Tools (amount varies)
Silver Tarot
Crystal Eye
Seal of condemnation
Pegasus Feather
Patriot Award
Broken Cannon
Ripped Sails
Broken Armour

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