Francois l'Olonnais
A great pirate from France. He became the leader of the Caribbean Pirates and preferred to use a cutlass sword. He was a frequent raider and looter and attacked Spanish ships for large amount of silver.
Can someone please tell me how and where to find this guy? i took the quest but it dosent say what to do next.. please help
what is the name of the quest you mention?
the quest is called ( The pirate's great encirclement )
i took it from London but you can take from seville and lisbon too for sure, dont know other places.
the quest is called ( The pirate's great encirclement )
i took it from London but you can take from seville and lisbon too for sure, dont know other places.
i don't thing it is, it has 7 stars. Reword 200,000. Advance 40,000. Required Skill Spanish language
you might acquire this
(G.T.)For the siege of
1. go to to city official(maybe? or go to bar owner there) twice
2. The encounter at the northeast from Santiago and southeast from Nassau ....there is a small island if going northeast from Santiago...the encounter is around dat small island ...
sources from jap wiki:
this might be quest chain that lead to
(G.T.)Pokonio notorious
(G.T.)Roronoa chase
as usual..use google chrome to translate...
yay got it :) yes it is indeed in jamaica.. i needed to talk to city official like you said.
thanks very much guys :)
Has any one finished the quest "An Infamous buccaneer" I have covered all the islands north of Havana and can not find Francois L'Olonnais.
Haven't run the quest myself, but I came up with a Japanese UWO video result using the original Japanese quest name for a search:
Could be the fleet you're looking for is a traveling NPC fleet that generates under certain conditions and you have to find it at sea traveling a set route, rather than the usual "ambushes you from thin air at this or that set of coordinates" variety. That seems consistent with the Google Translated quest directions:
"Searching for NPC "Francois Roronoa" wandering around the islands in the north of Havana and capturing (not attacking from the other side)"
Hope that helps. Cheers.
Has any one finished the quest "An Infamous buccaneer" I have covered all the islands north of Havana and can not find Francois L'Olonnais.
Thanks guys, I found him, the video helped a lot. Now I just have to KILL him,,, lol
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