Vasco da Gama
A Portuguese explorer.
Commanded to find a route, he departs Lisbon and makes it to India. After his success, he was given the title Admiral of the Indian Ocean.
Any way to increase the odds of a rare drop in Ganador?
desifiante title maybe add the odd
As I understand it, Desafiante title increases ducat reward, not chance of rare drops. But perhaps I've been misinformed. GM Sheebs might be able to answer... or not.
Desafiante title only increases exp, fame, and money, not the drop rate of items. To my knowledge, there are no in-game items or titles that increases rare drops in Ganador...
IS confirmed that ship hull effect can be drop here on maris?
Actually, there are two kinds of "hull effects".
The first is "skill extension" - this lasts for a set period of time (around two weeks iirc) and all of your ships will temporarily display a unique animated glow during that time. Items like this are rare and can obtained from certain Colony immigration tickets, dungeons like Rome Church, and UWC Cove. Possibly even some Ganadors like Gama here, if it's not been removed.
The second is "decoration" - this is purely decorative and as I understand it, you can only apply a particular hull effect permanently to your ship of choice, where it will remain visible at all times. They were given out as a player event reward a while ago but to the best of my knowledge do not appear in cove. Neither do Ganadors drop them.
I hope that helps. Cheers.
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