Shipyard (Rank 2)
A facility with a shipyard master. Ships can be purchased here.
Starting in Chapter 2 of Age of Revolution "Cross a Continent", Shipyards at company colonies can be upgraded to Rank 3. One of the benefits that's touted on the Japanese wiki is that Ship Rebuilding (I assume this means ship fusion) costs 20% less, and the success rate is increased by 20%. Of course, given the nature, there is a chance we may or may NOT get this benefit on GAMA. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up.
Note that you will need 7001+ population for the L3 Shipyard to be constructable. It can take the place of L1 and L2 shipyards, though, and construction cycles/colonist settling cycles will be greatly sped up in Chapter 2, thankfully. I hear there'll even be mini-maps for colonies, and you can reposition buildings for a certain cost.
To get 2k more population we would need new housing or sacrifice everything else just for the SYr3, So there will be a lot more changes to Colonies than just the SY.
Some enterprising folks have already taken those steps, and are poised to begin building once the servers come back up post-update. For the rest, I'm sure all the new options will provide alternative routes. Maybe those 'tourists' you can bring in might be of help... though, I've been told you only need 7001+ population long enough to build the SY3, then you can safely reduce it and restore lost buildings after completion. We'll see. Cheers!
I expect the number of building will increase as well since it will be otherwise too hard to do reorganize the colony... Especially for trade good purposes which is too time consuming :X
Let's see how it turns out.
Kind Regards,
I assume all players would be able to reap the benefits of a rank 3 shipyard? Or would only members of the company that own the colony be able to take advantage of it?
Currently looks like the former is true. We'll see soon.
With Chapter 2's release, the L3 Shipyard is confirmed to be buildable. There may be one caveat to the L3 Shipyard's special effect, though. I see it listed under "Appearance by Immigration NPC, Facility Effect" here:
That may mean that the company which owns the colony with the L3 Shipyard may in fact have to do an immigrant quest to trigger its special effect of rebuild cost/success rates. Then again, maybe not. Time will tell. I still think anybody can use it regardless of company affiliation at this point. Cheers.
Once you build Shipyard Level 3 It has all the functions of Shipyard L1 and L2 so you can demolish those after L3 is built. :D
Hi, I have a question, in game everyone says that this r2 SY is needed togeteher with the r3, but has nothing different, both r1 and r2 are represented on the r3, or I'm missing something?
You can get rid of other rank shipyards if you have Rank 3.
Thank you, dunno why was everyone saying that must have r2 as well, spent a bunch of ducats on an useless building
Possibly for the same reason people mistakenly think you need to report a map/dungeon discovery before a quest related to it will appear, or that you need to chart the Ligurian Sea to access the San Francisco unlock quest -- people can get a misinformed idea about how the game works, and it can then take a long time for that erroneous information to be debunked. Even then, some bad info seems to persist to this day.
For what I've seen, the only advantage of the rank 3 Shipyard is freeing 1 slot because only has the features of the rank 1 and 2 merged, for the Companies that not care much about that extra farm or whatever, don't need to struggle with the ducats needed to get 7k population.
^With an R3 Shipyard you get an increased 20% success boost in ship grading, and a discount of 20% too. As someone whose graded ships many MANY times, this is a significant help.
Yes sorry, didn't know about the hidden boosts, and talking about hidden boosts, does buildings like Physician work only in Colony or outside too?
As I understand it, building effects of that nature only work inside the colony.
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