Entrancing Arrow
Trap that fires trance-inducing arrows in the vicinity of the target.
Acquisition Requirements
Trap rank 8
Poison Dart Trap
***Extra Information***
Rank Tech: 3
Consumed Gauge: 90
Range: 100
Scatter Range: 45
It requires two/three seconds before the Tech will be used.
With advanture job this Tech needs only one second till it activates.
Aside from damage, your target(s) will be confused for 10 seconds approx. This stops the enemy for using Techs and items for a while. Higher
Trap prolongs the "Disorder" -effect.
I've learned this from Kiriwa Thieves Lv42 npc at New Guinea island South Coast after he used this Tech against me.
After the release with chapter 3 of Atlantis (Acropolis), the conditions for obtaining this tech is now:
Trap rank 5
Poison Dart Trap
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