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  • Ruler of the Sea
    A Title made only for those who stand at the top among countless pirates.

As I understand it, this title seems to be awarded to those who achieved MVP status in an Epic Pirate Feud. Your camp may or may not need to be successful as well; I'm less certain about that. The benefit is being able to equip/layer items which can be produced at Nassau or Jolo -- apart from that, two sets of nicknames also become available for EPF players.

One set of nicknames is only awarded to the EPF's MVPs. I'm not sure what they are; I translated them with Google, but found the results... unsatisfactory.

The other set of nicknames is awarded to those belonging to the victorious EPF camp and have actively participated in the EPF; just signing up isn't good enough. These nicknames are:

1st Selection: Greedy, Self-Righteous, Rebellious, Inhuman, Absolute
2nd Selection: Bandit, Justice, Leader, Chivalrous Robber, Captain

Presumably, you have access to the aforementioned nicknames until the next EPF begins. Cheers.

Source: gvo.gamedb.info/wiki/?Appellation

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